How to Handle Stress

How to Handle Stress

As responsible adults, we all have a whole gamut of responsibilities to attend to every single day. It could be the stress of taking care of everyone in the household every single day, work, relationships, financial obligations, social obligations, etc. Stress can come from anything we worry about, and it can come at any time.

Being everything to everyone all the time can be a huge cause of stress. And that is especially true for working parents. They have the stress of work and the responsibilities of raising a family to attend to. On top of that, they have to find a work-life balance that enables them to have enough time for self-care.

Stress is ever-present in everybody’s lives and there’s no way we can ever be ready to stop it. However, there are a few ways that we can learn to manage stress so that it doesn’t run our lives.

Here are a few ways we can manage stress according to WebMD[1].

  1. Accept that there are events that you cannot control. – Let’s face it, sh*t happens, and when it does, the best thing we can do is face the challenge head-on and hope that next time it happens, we will be more prepared. So, when life surprises you with a stressful situation, do your best to remain calm and keep a clear head. Take the lessons you can learn and leave everything else.
  2. Keep a positive attitude; rather than defaulting to negatives (”Nothing goes right for me,” or ”Bad things always happen to me”), give yourself positive messages (”I’m doing my best,” or ”I’ll ask for help”). – Nothing good will ever come out of negative thinking, so stop beating yourself up and start working on how to make the best out of your situation.
  3. Halt stress in its tracks; if you feel overwhelmed, take a walk or drive in the slow lane to avoid getting angry at other drivers. – learn to spot your stressors and avoid or address them accordingly.
  4. Manage your time. Give yourself time to get things done; set your watch so you have more time to prepare for an event. – most of the time, stress is what happens when we are unprepared. So do your best to be as prepared as you can to reduce stress. Set your clothes out and prepare your work things. Plan your breakfast so you don’t have to stare at inside the fridge for 5 mins. Do as much prepping as you can to avoid being frazzled.
  5. Do things that are pleasurable, like reading or gardening. – take up a relaxing hobby, one that will take your mind off of all your worries even for a short while.
  6. Take 15-20 minutes every day to sit quietly and reflect. Learn and practice relaxation techniques like yoga or deep breathing. – For anyone who wants to try meditation, here’s an article on how to get started [2].
  7. Exercise regularly by bicycling, walking, hiking, jogging, or working out at the gym. Your body can fight stress better when it is fit. – Because of its repetitive nature, exercise can be a good form of meditation. Concentrate on your breathing, your stride, your form and it will clear your mind.
  8. Avoid alcohol and recreational drugs. And don’t smoke. – enough said.
  9. Eat healthy, well-balanced meals. – and don’t forget to take multivitamin supplements, vitamin c is a huge stress buster.
  10. Get enough rest and sleep. Your body needs time to recover from stressful events. – Our bodies heal while we sleep, so get enough of it. 6-8 hours is the recommended amount for adults.
  11. Seek out social support. – Build a strong tribe or support system and take care of your relationships. Healthy and balanced relationships are the key to a less stressful life.

Do you have other stress-busting tips? Please share them with us in the comments. Stay humble and hustle hard!


Written by: Jaie O. – The Help


