More Time For Me Time

More Time For Me Time

8335192There are times in our lives when we just get too overwhelmed with everyday routine. If you’re like me, a typical day consists of sleeping, working, and taking care of family or spending time with friends. Sometimes we need to take a break from the monotony and start carving out me time.

ME Time is any time you spend relaxing on your own, apart from doing things for others. Spending me time helps you recharge your batteries. If you’re prone to bouts of anxiety, me time also helps keep you relax and be less anxious.

We all have different versions of me time. For example, I know a person who loves vacuuming in the afternoon. He says it’s therapeutic to listen to the hum of the vacuum cleaner as the sun sets in the background – a very dramatic description for a mundane chore, don’t you think? Nonetheless, I can see its allure. Most busy moms would tell you that time alone folding clothes would be one of the most relaxing quiet times they have. They consider it therapeutic to sit inside a quiet room and watch as piles of freshly laundered clothes get sorted into neatly folded piles probably because it’s the only time they can carve some peace and quiet out of their very busy days.

The best kind of me time is when you’re spending it on a hobby. Having a hobby does wonders for your mental, physical, and emotional health. Hobbies let you take a mental break from all the responsibilities you have. What could be better than taking a break doing whatever you like? After all, we never pick up hobbies we aren’t the slightest bit interested in, right?

If it has been a long time since you’ve picked up a hobby, maybe it is time to rekindle that old love. Need, a guide on where to start? Read on.

Start with things that interest you.

Are you a big fan of plants? Why not try gardening. Gardening is a very relaxing hobby and is not only designated for senior citizens with green thumbs. Start small, with a small patch of land by the front lawn. Living in an apartment building? Why not try growing herbs near the window? Or maybe start a succulents garden or a terrarium. Terrariums are great for when you don’t have a green thumb. Terrarium arrangement could be a cool creative project too.

Got a wish list?

Maybe you’re a frustrated musician but don’t really know how to play an instrument. You could start learning to play the guitar. If that’s overwhelming, why not start with a ukulele. They’re the in thing nowadays. They’re portable, fun, and easy to play.

Old interests.

If you’re no longer a beginner, why not pick up something you’re already good at. I love to doodle. One day I saw some grown up coloring books at a bookstore and picked one up hoping to start a coloring hobby. So, I bought the book and a few art supplies (colored pens and pencils) and went on my merry way. The book had beautiful detailed pictures of gardens and flowers and mandalas. When I saw the mandalas, I thought to myself “Hey, I could do this. I could draw mandalas myself.” I went back to the bookstore to buy more supplies, this time a thick sketch pad and a few drawing pens. That started another hobby which I’m still actively practicing today. To this date I have three sketch pads filled with doodles and mandala drawings. I’ve left them uncolored though.

Starting a hobby lets you have an outlet for everyday stress and promotes a sense of well being. It reduces blood pressure and help you get into a state of flow. The many benefits of picking up a hobby surely outweighs the dread of having to decide what hobby to engage in. So start picking up an enjoyable hobby today and remember  to: Stay Humble, Hustle Hard. Good luck!


Written by Jaie O. – The Help