With all the distractions available to us via the internet, it could be a monumental challenge for anyone to stay focused on work. One minute you can be slaying the emails in your inbox, the next minute you’re falling into a YouTube rabbit hole. You know you have to cross out a lot of things from your to-do list, but you just can’t seem to get back your focus.
Hurdle #1: News
There’s no shortage of news these days. Whether you’re following the latest vaccine news or just keeping up with the latest celebrity gossip or newest artist album drop, there’s always something itching for your attention.
How can you overcome this hurdle?
We do, indeed, live in interesting times. So even if you ignore the news, you might not be successful for too long. So acknowledge your interest, park the item somewhere (make a mental note or an actual note – on Twitter, I “like” an article so that I can access it from my liked posts to read later), and focus on something more “in the now”, like your breathing.
Hurdle #2: Multi-tasking
By now you should know that multitasking hurts your productivity and reduces your efficiency. Yet, some people still believe they could get more done. I’ve written about the “Perils of Multitasking here and here. Need more proof that multitasking ruins your productivity? There’s this ‘study titled, “The Cost of Interrupted Work: More Speed and Stress,” where researchers found that while people worked faster in conditions where they were constantly interrupted (the way you are when you’re multitasking), they actually were less productive.’
How can you overcome this hurdle?
Close the email tab in your browser. Close all the other tabs that are not related to what you’re working on. Invest in a nice pair of BT noise cancelling earphones and put on some ambient beats to drown out the background noise. You can also use the Pomodoro Technique (for example, you can do 25mins deep flow work and 5min break)
Hurdle #3: Lack of Sleep
Lack of sleep has a major detrimental effect on your ability to concentrate. Heck, sleep deprivation causes a lot of shenanigans to your body. It can destroy brain cells, weaken your immunity, affect your memory, cause you to gain weight, and increase your risk of a heart disease. Lack of sleep can destroy the neurons responsible for the brain’s alertness resulting in trouble thinking and concentration.
How can you overcome this hurdle?
Don’t compound the problem by drowning yourself in caffeine. The secret is no secret at all. Prioritize getting enough sleep. However, if you’re already sleep deprived but in need of a quick pick-me-up in order to finish that very important project , here’s what you can do: get up from your desk and head-out for a quick walk. You need to get your blood pumping and be exposed to natural light. You’ll come back more alert and focused.
What are your productivity pitfalls and how do you overcome them? Share them with us in the comments. Remember to work smart and be a blessing to someone today. Stay safe and healthy!
Written by Jaie O. TheHelp