5 Ways To Stop Procrastinating

5 Ways To Stop Procrastinating

procrastinationThis post is late, I know. It’s just one of those weeks when you’re swamped with work and you know there’s no way but to power through it. But then you surprise yourself and do the exact opposite. You don’t start working. You make excuses to NOT start working. You procrastinate.

A thousand and one tasks are staring you right in the face and all of them need your immediate attention. You get so overwhelmed that you think to yourself…’maybe I’ll just have a snack’…’maybe I’ll take a nap’…’I just need to clean up a little and sort my sock drawer, then I can start working’…’I work better when there’s cake, maybe I’ll bake myself a cake.” I know the things we tell ourselves when we procrastinate are borderline ridiculous, but the outcome is the same: we don’t start doing what we’re supposed to be doing right now.


Sooner or later, work will pile up and you’re going to have to face the music. It’ll take double the effort to work on what you should have finished in the first place had you started working when you’re supposed to.

Your best bet is to stop the problem at the source. Stop procrastinating when the urge hits. Here are 5 ways to stop procrastinating. Put those socks down and read it, then apply.

Make a list

I am a chronic list maker. I make lists about everything. Including the books I plan to read and the shows I want to watch. This tip works well for me during the times i get so overwhelmed with work. Writing things down and making a list wrangles your thoughts and prevents them from buzzing around aimlessly inside your head. Lists are great! Lists turn worries into action items.

Now start making that list of things to do. Don’t just write down the task you know you’re going to finish but also those tasks you have been avoiding.

Check it twice

After you’re done with your list, look at it again. Break your tasks down into smaller and more manageable pieces. The goal is to have a sense of accomplishment – something you can’t have if you begin your list with “Finish the Marketing Presentation.” If you break down the tasks, say for example, “draft the pitch”, “get the data”, “prepare the infographics” – every task you complete is a win and you’ll be more likely to get motivated to finish the task.

Remove temptation

Put down your phone right now. Stop surfing the internet and looking at cat videos. Install applications that either block games and websites or help you focus on your task. Have a snack ready so that you don’t feel the sudden urge to bake when you’ve got a deadline looming. Avoid your ipad filled with games at all cost.

Stay away from timesuckers

Timesuckers can be in things, or worse, people. Have you ever gone to the water cooler to get a drink or the break room to grab some coffee and then suddenly find yourself engrossed in a deep, climate changing, hour long conversation about who your newly engaged coworker has or hasn’t invited invited to the wedding. Isn’t it the worst?

Don’t take on more than you can chew

Some people can’t say no. Don’t be this person. Whether their reason is to be nice, to be helpful,  to be proactive, to prove that they’re the most hardworking person ever, to show someone up, to impress others, etc. Whatever the reason may be, it sucks to find that you have so much on your plate that you literally have no more time for yourself because you said yes to doing so many things. Learn to say NO and enjoy the peace and serenity that comes with having free time.

Ultimately, we have all fallen into that trap. Hopefully, we learn from our last mistake and grow enough willpower to be able to ride the tide of procrastination when it hits. Then it’ll be smooth sailing all the way!


Written by Jaie T.-  The Help