What If?

What If?

what if questionWhat if one morning you wake up and realize virtual assistance is not for you? What if you tender your resignation, logged off for good, made sure to devote the freed time to your kids, to yourself? What if you don’t know what you want?

The blues are knocking on your door – it happens. Changing seasons could trigger it. Other reasons for a blue state of mind could be work related such as deadlines in the upcoming week. Feelings of frustrations and helplessness could be caused by burnout. Perhaps not having enough salt in the food you eat, according to an article by Andrew Tobin (http://www.haaretz.com/life/science-medicine/.premium-1.589268), is causing the blah days to come more often.

Feeling you’ve lost direction in life can also be the hidden cause of this mood change. Either way, the first thing to do is go find someone to talk to. It is important to share such feelings with a trusted friend because persistence of negative emotions may be a signal to consult a professional or seek the help of a therapist.

However, if it’s not the blues and you really feel like you’re cornered, made to fit into a box when you’d rather be outside, then it’s still the time to talk. Work issues like wishing for a pay raise, communication problems with colleagues, or an overall uneasiness with life deserves attention at the earliest possible time.  An unhappy person won’t be good for oneself, for the family, and for friends not to mention the work environment.

Outside activities unrelated to a profession is vital to achieve work/life balance. As all aspects of life comes with some form of challenges, it is important to gain an objective perspective when facing issues such as workplace discontent. Work will always be there to go back to. It will be found if one is unemployed.

Life doesn’t wait for anyone.

Written by Yoli P.- The Help