Why Am I Always Tired?

Why Am I Always Tired?

6a00d8357f3f2969e20148c8193f68970cYou’re motivated, you feel that you’re well rested, and you love your job immensely. But why do you feel like you’re dragging yourself to work? Why do you find yourself fighting back a yawn, 10 minutes after the start of your workday? Why do you keep nodding off at your desk even though you’ve already had coffee? Surely, that is not normal. Why do you feel tired all the time?

There are a lot of reasons for feeling tired, the most obvious one is, of course, not getting enough sleep. Though you may feel that you are well rested, that might not be the case. You might be racking up a sleep deficiency. Normally, adults should be getting 7-8 hours of sleep, every night. If you’re not hitting this target, you might be sleep deprived.

Sleep Disorders:

It could also be that you ARE getting 7- 8 hours of sleep, but that sleep gets interrupted by sleep apnea. Sleep Apnea stops your breathing throughout the night and it interrupts your sleep cycle even though you’re not aware of it. The result, 7-8 hours of sleep but tired and still sleep deprived.

Shift work can wreak havoc on your internal body clock. Rotating shifts can result in difficulty in adhering to an optimum sleeping schedule. Consequently, you feel tired and sleepy during the hours when you need to be alert and awake.

Medical Conditions:

Lack of Iron, which causes Anemia, is also a culprit for fatigue. Women should especially be careful as menstrual blood loss can contribute to an Iron deficiency. Hyperthyroidism can also be a culprit. When your Thyroid gland is underactive, you might feel sluggish and have very low energy levels. People with Diabetes should also be careful. Due to abnormalities in processing sugar, the body has a hard time converting food into fuel and thus, the feeling of tiredness. If you feel tired all the time despite getting enough rest, have yourself checked for one of these conditions.

What you eat:

We all know that consuming caffeine too close to bedtime makes it challenging to fall asleep and sleep deprivation leads to fatigue. But did you know that the increased heart rate and blood pressure caused by caffeine causes us to be tired, too. So be careful about consuming too much coffee. In the same manner, be careful about what you eat as well. Eat too little and you feel tired, but eat the wrong foods and you also feel tired. Have you ever felt sleepy and sluggish after you’ve eaten too much carbs like pizza and pasta and eventually fell into a food coma? I think you get my point.

Mental Health:

Depression often manifest with mental or emotional symptoms, but it manifests physical symptoms as well, and fatigue is one of them.

Check against the points above to see if one of them is the culprit of your fatigue and constant tiredness. Enlist the help of a medical professional and have yourself checked. And as per usual, a good diet and enough exercise will do wonders for your health.

Do you know of any other culprits to fatigue? Share them with us in the comments! As always, remember to: Stay Humble, Hustle Hard. Good luck!



Written by Jaie O.- The Help