Take Bedtime Back

Take Bedtime Back

How were our first few weeks at work? I know we’re still not over the holidays and our sleep cycles are still in vacation mode from all the partying done during the holiday season. I’m sure some of you have vowed to make 2019 your most productive year ever. How about we start by taking bedtime back! After all, a good night’s sleep guarantees more energy in the morning to be able to do the productive things we promised ourselves to do.

Maintain a consistent sleep schedule.
The amount of sleep adults need vary from person to person. Some say they can subsist on just 5 hours of sleep (they’re lying) but the average adult needs anywhere between 7 to 9 hours of quality sleep per night in order to function well the next day. Less than that can lead to a sleep deficit which will bite you in the ass later in the form of a weakened immune system, impaired cognitive function and memory, and susceptibility to stress.

Don’t go to bed hungry.
But also, don’t go to bed full. Going to bed full makes you prone to acid reflux. Going to bed hungry can affect the quality of sleep or cause difficulty in getting sleep since your brain is awake and looking for food. Get a light snack if you must, milk and cookies or a grilled cheese sandwich work.

Bring positive thoughts to bed.
You will have a hard time getting sleep if you’re constantly worrying of nursing negative thoughts. I know, sometimes we can’t help it. But try to clear your mind by doing some reading or watching a documentary about animals.

Reduce caffeine intake.
Repeat after me, no coffee after 3 pm. Caffeine after that can make you stay awake or affect the quality of sleep you get.

Regularly doesn’t mean pumping iron 7 times a week for one hour. Do your thing, but get going. It could be some low impact stretching, walking around the block, jogging, yoga, Zumba – every other day, every Wednesday and Friday, it’s your call…just get some activity. This will improve your blood circulation which is what we’re after. In turn, that will improve the quality of sleep you get.

Go, go gadget free.
Blue light emitted by gadgets disrupts your REM or deep sleep patterns. Social media is a buzzkill as well. Ever slept soundly after scrolling through your Facebook feed? Yup, didn’t think so… so, try to go gadget free at least 2 hours before bedtime.

Limit your liquids.
So you finally got your much-needed rest but woke up in the middle of the night because you needed to empty your bladder. It’s going to be hard to reclaim your sleep once you stub your toe on a table leg. Pee before going to bed so you don’t have to get up in the middle of the night and birdbox your way through a dark hallway to the bathroom.

Optimize your room.
Invest in sleep gear – comfy pillows, a nice comfy mattress, clean sheets, and some lavender scented things can help you sleep better.

Rest well! Stay humble and hustle hard.


Written by Jaie O. The Help