Your Morning Motivation Routine

Your Morning Motivation Routine

Motivation is a very important factor in all things we do. It is weird because it works differently for different people. Sometimes it is a switch that (extremely) lucky people can just turn on or off. For the rest of us, it is a snowball that has to be built in order to gain momentum.

Motivation is defined as the desire or willingness to do something. Or it could be the reason for acting or behaving in a particular way. Naturally, our morning is the best time of the day to get particularly motivated. Mornings set the tone for the day so if we wake up sluggish, anxious, or unmotivated – guess how the rest of the day will turn out?

Unless you’re a four-year-old, no one wakes up in the morning excited and eager to take on the day. You will need to help yourself get into that mindset. For some, that comes easy. For others, not so much. So here are tips for the rest of us who will need time to get motivated.

Wake up on time
Freeze. Put your phone down and step away from that snooze button. No one wants to start the day harried, frazzled, and rushing. So stop hitting snooze and reclaim your mornings. You need to take the time to prepare and set your intentions for the day. You won’t be able to do that if you’re rushing to work.

Get some sun
Open your blinds and let the sunshine in. Sunlight signals the body to wake up. It can also facilitate the release of serotonin – a mood-boosting hormone that also helps bring calm and focus. These are things you need to keep yourself motivated.

Activate your body
If you can get a quick work out in – do it. If not, do a quick stretch while making coffee or brushing your teeth. Any activity can help jump-start your body and shake you out of sluggishness. Exercise also helps improve blood circulation, release endorphins (the feel-good hormones), activate your brain, and improve concentration. You can do light stretching, squats, lunges, jumping jacks, or running in place. Those exercises don’t need special equipment or a large space to complete.

Quiet time
Take some quiet time out for yourself. Wake up before the rest of the house does so that you can get some ME time in. This is important for settling into your thoughts and for preparing yourself mentally for the day.

Positive talk
Let go of negative talk and never ever berate yourself. If you catch yourself with a worried thought first thing in the morning – teach yourself to let it go and replace it with a positive thought. Start your day with a motivational quote or a mantra that you could repeat to yourself. You can tell start with something like “better done than perfect” to remind yourself that chasing perfection kills productivity.

What are your favorite motivation tips? Share them with us in the comments. Always remember to stay humble and hustle hard.

Written by Jaie O. The Help