The Internet of Things: Modernizing Your Home Office Using Smart Technology

The Internet of Things: Modernizing Your Home Office Using Smart Technology

Last week, we talked about “How to Set Up a Home Office without Breaking the Bank”. For people who spend a few days here and there working from home – a small but functional home office will do. However, professionals who work completely from home are more invested in their home offices than those who use their office for ad hoc work or side hustles.

A dedicated home office can provide at home workers the professional environment they get from traditional offices in work buildings but with a few more perks. First off, home offices can give you the freedom to do away with the dreaded commute and terrible traffic. You also have more control over your immediate work environment – if it’s too cold, turn the AC down and if it’s too warm turn it up. You can also customize your own home office according to your requirements but still keep it professional.

The top concerns of creating your own home office space is how to reduce unwanted distractions and how to keep clutter from taking over the work space. The Internet of Things (IoT) devices can help you.

What do you mean by The Internet of Things?
Wikipedia describes The Internet of things (IoT) as the extension of Internet connectivity into physical devices and everyday objects. Embedded with electronics, Internet connectivity, and other forms of hardware (such as sensors), these devices can communicate and interact with others over the Internet, and they can be remotely monitored and controlled. Some examples of which are the smart home gadgets that control light, heat, ventilation, and AC.

Got money to burn?
The market is filled with fun things that can help you reduce unwanted distractions so that you can focus on work. Some are extremely useful, while some are…well, kind of pointless. To make it easier for you to sift through the market offerings, here are some of the fun and useful things:

A smart speaker
Gone are the days when a speaker just plays music and boosts sound. Nowadays, a smart speaker can act as your personal assistant, an extension of your phone, and a central control hub to control all of your other smart devices. This is something you can boss around and will always be “happy to help”
● Google Home with Google Assistant
● Amazon Echo with Echo Show
● HomePod with Siri

A smart plug
Have you ever left the house and second guess yourself if you unplugged the curling iron? Well, with a smart plug, you can control any appliance that’s plugged into it and turn it on and off remotely. For environment control, you can control heaters, a/c, and lamps from anywhere with just a few taps on your smartphone.
● iHome smart plugs
● D-Link smart plug
● Tp-link smart plug

A smart coffee machine
This is a “nice-to-have” item that’s on every remote worker’s wishlist. It’s surprisingly affordable and will provide you with work fuel on an uninterrupted schedule.
● Nespresso Expert Espresso Machine
● Brew Genie
● Smarter Coffee

What’s your favorite smart gadget? Share them with us in the comments. Stay humble and hustle hard.

Written by Jaie O. The Help