Coronavirus Quarantine Preparations Part 3: How to Stay Healthy While Working from Home

Coronavirus Quarantine Preparations Part 3: How to Stay Healthy While Working from Home

As the pandemic situation worsens, a lot of employees are being told to work from home to limit social interaction and help #flattenthecurve. While many of us are taking vitamins and boosting our immune system like crazy, we might forget that our mental health is also important.

Our health can take a downturn when we’re cooped up in a house for a long period of time. We are social creatures, and keeping a social distance is highly unnatural for us. However, it is essential during these times. In this light, here are some important mental health practices that you can do while you’re on self-quarantine:

Setting a schedule and taking breaks
Now that most of us are working from home, it could be hard to draw the line between work and personal time. The line where work ends and your personal time begins can be blurry. It is extremely important for you to assign a “core schedule”. This is a period of time where you start work and stop working (for example 9am to 6pm). Stick to this work schedule as much as you can. Set yourself an alarm for a “hard-stop” where you must walk away from work and leave it for tomorrow.

Remember to schedule breaks throughout your workday. Just like on-site work, two 15 minute breaks and a lunch break can refresh your body and mind and improve your productivity and focus.

The blurry boundaries between work and personal time can wreak havoc on your sleep schedule. You might not be able to leave your work stress at the office because home is now the office. To combat this, you must practice proper sleep hygiene. Studies show that having a consistent routine of waking up and going to bed at the same time each day, helps regulate your sleep schedule. Also, don’t work from your bedroom so that you don’t associate it with work. Have a separate work area. You’re also probably chugging a lot of coffee so watch your caffeine consumption. Experts advise to stop drinking coffee at least seven hours before bed.

Exercise and fitness
It is scientifically proven that too much sitting can lead to a lot of health complications. So, try to pencil in workouts into your work from home schedule. Take advantage of online workout classes. Don’t forget to set yourself a reminder to get up and stretch once every hour.

Stock your pantry with healthy snacks and meals. You can’t go wrong with leafy greens, whole grains, and fresh fruits and veggies. Stock up on foods that are fortified with vitamins A, B, C, and minerals Selenium and Zinc. Take note that you cannot get Vit D from supplements. You can only get it through sun exposure which could be extra challenging when you’re cooped up at home. If feasible, open a sunny window for a few minutes to get some sun exposure.

How do you stay healthy during a lockdown? We’d love to hear your staying healthy tips. Let us know in the comments. Remember to work smart and be a blessing to someone today. Stay safe and healthy!

Written by Jaie O. TheHelp