Work-life Balance In The Time Of A Global Pandemic

Work-life Balance In The Time Of A Global Pandemic

Some think that the ever-elusive work-life balance is a myth, that one would always win over the other. This is even more true in the time of a global pandemic. Thanks to a sharp increase in the number of remote workers and an over-dependence on technology, a lot of people find themselves slowly losing sight of the boundaries between personal time and work.

When you work from home, you usually don’t have the usual spatial and temporal separations that come with working at a physical office. What used to be a 1hour morning prep to get to the office is now a quick shuffle to get in front of your laptop in a presentable top, coffee mug in hand. You start your day with video meetings and calls and go on with your day working – only stopping once in a while for a bathroom break or to get a quick snack. By the time you get in the “deep work” zone, it’s 6 pm and you missed breakfast and lunch altogether. You scramble to prepare dinner. You could get dinner at least. Or, you might fall on the other side of the spectrum having no time to get work done and very little focus with kids running around, constantly needing help, attention, or food.

If you’re experiencing anything similar, know that you are not alone. There is an increasing number of employees feeling stressed about finding a work-life balance, globally. Yes, world-wide!

Now, there are a lot of us looking for solutions to get the elusive work-life balance. But very few are able to achieve it, consistently. Here are a few tips to help you in your quest for work-life balance:

This applies not only to your workspace but in your mental space as well. While it’s good to Mari Kondo your way into an uncluttered home office, you also need to declutter your mind. Slip moments of mindfulness into your day by becoming fully present and aware of your feelings and being intentional in your activities. Adopt a meditation routine. You can use apps for this to help you get started. I’ve tried Headspace and Calm. They helped me jumpstart a meditation practice. You can get started for as short as 5minutes a day and you’ll still be able to reap the benefits of meditation and having a clear and more intentional mindset.

A routine adds structure to your day and eliminates repetitive decision-making rituals that could add to your stress (e.g. what to wear, what to eat etc.). A routine also helps you prepare because you already know the trajectory of your day. High-performing people swear by having a fail-proof morning routine to jump-start productivity and achieve work-life balance.

Me time is just as important as work. If you don’t find time for self-care, you will burnout. Sometimes we get so immersed in projects and deadlines that we forget about self-care. If you find yourself having this dilemma, get your calendar and pencil in personal time. Block out chunks of time to do things you enjoy, even if it’s just making coffee or binge-watching your favorite show.

What tips do you have for achieving work-life balance? Share them with us in the comments. Remember to work smart and be a blessing to someone today. Stay safe and healthy!

Written by Jaie O. TheHelp