Not A New Year’s Resolution: A Checklist

Not A New Year’s Resolution: A Checklist

I know how averse you are to making new year’s resolutions. So I’m not making a mock-up list for you. Don’t worry this is not a new year’s resolution. It’s a checklist of things that you need to pay special attention to and should get around to doing, at least once a year. Why do you need a checklist? Well, nothing can hold your attention for a year, except for your birthday. So if you don’t need to remember after 365 days, you’re most likely to forget, right? I’ve got you. I’ll do the heavy lifting so that you don’t need to. Here are 5 things to remember to do with every trip around the sun:

  • See your doctor for an annual physical checkup. Things crop up over time. Like a car, we all need a little maintenance. Go see your doctor to make sure that everything is in working order and that you are in tip-top shape. Get your blood work done and get a stress test, too. In the event that your doctor does find health issues, address them immediately.
  • Take your pets, too. It’s not just humans who need an overall physical check. Pets need them, too. Unlike us, pets can’t tell you if there’s something wrong with them. Make sure they’re also in the pink of health. Getting blood work done and updating their vaccinations ensure that your fur babies will stay with you for a long time.
  • Spring-clean your house – spring cleaning isn’t just for spring. It can be done anytime. Purge your belongings to make way for new ones. Gather them into 3 piles: to give away, to throw away, and to sell. Be honest when purging.  Contrary to what my mom believes, not everything can be repurposed. If you know someone else can use it, sell it or give it away. It’s good practice to get rid of the old in order to make room for new things to come into your life.
  • Do a thorough audit of your digital life as well. You might have subscriptions that you no longer use, social media platforms that aren’t relevant anymore, or just electronic waste accumulating over the years. Purge that, too. Unsubscribe yourself from newsletters you no longer read. Delete selfies or pictures that you have multiple copies of (or are too dark or grainy to make sense of). Get rid of social media platforms that you very rarely use (are you really that interested in Snapchat?)
  • Get your wheels checked. Worn out wheels decrease a cars’ performance and leaves it vulnerable to wear and tear over time. Also, a bad alignment can be a disaster waiting to happen. For your sake and everyone else’s road safety, have your wheels checked.

Is there anything else you think should go on this checklist? What activities do you religiously do on an annual basis? Share them with us in the comments. Remember to work smart and be a blessing to someone today. Stay safe and healthy!

Written by Jaie O. TheHelp