The Covid-19 Omicron variant has replaced the Delta variant as the new variant of concern. As of writing, the total number of registered cases surpassed the 300 million mark with 34 countries setting new infection record highs. The dizzying speed of transmission has prompted experts to suggest that getting the virus is not a case of if, but when.
However, we are not completely helpless. Two years of lockdowns and strict health protocols have honed us to be able to keep infections in check and avoid getting sick altogether. Still, we all need to be careful and practice the minimum safety protocols religiously. One slight misstep can mean the difference between wellness and illness.
In these trying times, we need to look out for one another. Here are four ways you can support your team through the rampaging Omicron variant.
1. Encourage vaccination and booster shots.
Vaccination still remains the best way to prevent serious illness, hospitalization, or death from Covid-19 and a booster, even more so. So encourage your team to get vaccinated by sharing helpful and validated information. If you are in a position to provide access to vaccinations, do so. Employers should allow flexible scheduling or paid time off for team members who are getting the vaccine.
2. Revisit your return-to-office plans.
Last year, the workforce was getting ready for the highly anticipated return-to-office. Like a splash of cold water, Omicron has put a damper on these plans. Teams should consider continuing their work-from-home arrangements until infection rates start to dwindle down. If this is not feasible, a skeletal workforce should be deployed.
3. Observe and reinforce safety protocols.
The minimum safety protocols are:
- Wearing a face mask – the mask should cover up to the bridge of your nose and all the way down to your chin. It has to be snug and must not have gaps. The CDC recommends wearing an N95 mask. If you have an extra one, share it with your teammate who is using a cloth mask as it provides little to no protection against the Omicron variant.
- Regular handwashing and sanitation – always have alcohol or hand sanitizer ready and share that with your colleagues to encourage frequent sanitation. Wash your hands with soap and water for 20 seconds or the length of 2 rounds of the “Happy Birthday” song. Bonus points for singing out loud.
- Social distancing – stay 1 meter away from your colleagues. Please don’t go to work if you feel ill or have symptoms.
- Avoiding the 3 Cs – which are confined/enclosed spaces, crowded places, and close-contact settings.
4. Support mental health care.
This disruption has left a lot of people in a state of anxiety and has a huge impact on our mental well-being. Now, more than ever, teams should strive to support each other. Stay connected, encourage virtual check-ins or virtual water coolers, create a chat group where you can trade health tips, send sympathy cards for colleagues who have lost their loved ones.
We are all going through the same thing, but some might have it worse than others. So, as a general rule, be kind. We all need each other’s help, especially during these times.
How do you support your team through the Omicron surge? Share them with us in the comments. Remember to work smart and be a blessing to someone today. Stay safe and healthy!
Written by Jaie O. TheHelp