- Drink water – the easiest way to drink more water is to buy a thermal flask you really like and use that often. Another way is to swap out sugary drinks for water. You can use an app, a journal, or a marked water bottle if you’re serious about tracking your water intake. Besides, you can’t improve on what you don’t measure.
- Volunteer more often – or just do one random act of kindness more often. Challenge yourself to make it a habit.
- Make the more eco-friendly choice – if you were to choose between grabbing coffee at your nearest coffee shop and making your own, which one do you think is the more eco-friendly choice. Choose that.
- Send handwritten notes – send handwritten cards, thank you notes, or holiday greetings. Why? Because no one does that anymore. Plus, it’ll make your recipient feel more special.
- Call your mother – right now. You know the number.
- Wake up at the same time each day – pick a wake-up time already and stick to that.
- Go to sleep at the same time each day – pick a sleeping time and stick to that. Basically, have consistent wake-up and sleep times. It’s part of good sleep hygiene and will ensure that you are well-rested and not sleep-deprived.
- Have a regular skincare routine – even if it’s just the basic 3: cleanse, tone, moisturize. Try to incorporate that in your morning or evening routine.
- Perfect one recipe – even if it’s just scrambled eggs. Everyone should have a go-to recipe that they can do really well.
- Set a monthly budget (try the envelope system) – we’ve talked about the envelope system here. You may have your favorite system for budgeting, use what works for you.
- Try something new once a month – it doesn’t have to be something as big as skydiving. It can be as simple as trying new cuisine (Peruvian Chicken, anyone?).
- Floss.
- Let go of one bad habit – give up smoking or social media doom scrolling. Too easy? How about quitting these other bad habits: multitasking, procrastinating, being late, being in a bad relationship, hanging out with pessimists, overworking…you get the idea.
- Road to zero inbox – keep your inbox clean and aim to have zero messages.
- Do a social media audit – delete the social media apps you never use or rarely visit.
- Take a break from social media – it can be for an hour, a day, a week, a year…
- Complete a monthly challenge – do a 30-day yoga challenge or a no spend month. It’s up to you. Challenge yourself.
- Clean out your closet – Mari Kondo your way into a cleaner closet. Donate or sell the items you never use anymore.
- Try meatless Mondays – there are more meatless options than the boring old salad. Try meatless chili, veggie pho, or vegan dumplings.
- Have a signature scent – use scents to work for you. Plus, having a signature scent will make you feel more sophisticated and hard to forget.
Which one of these will make it to your new year’s resolutions list? Share them with us in the comments. Remember to work smart and be a blessing to someone today. Stay safe and healthy!
Written by Jaie O. TheHelp