What is Work From Home (WFH) Fatigue? Do you have it?

What is Work From Home (WFH) Fatigue? Do you have it?

The Return to Office journey began a short while after it was deemed safe for workers around the world to go back to the traditional way of working, which is to say, going back to the office. However, some pandemic-induced work arrangements are sticking around for the long haul. A lot of organizations have adopted a remote work (where employees work completely off-site or out of the office) or hybrid-work arrangement (where employees spend some time working in the office and other times working from home). 

Working from the comfort of your home can be fantastic—no commute, flexibility, and the coziness of your own space. However, the honeymoon phase might wear off, leading to a phenomenon known as Work From Home (WFH) fatigue. But how do you know if you’re experiencing it? 

Here are six questions to ask yourself:

1. Do you experience a lack of focus? 

You might find it challenging to concentrate on tasks. The home environment, with its potential distractions, could be pulling your attention away from work.

2. Feeling drained despite limited physical activity?

Sitting at your home desk for prolonged hours might make you feel tired and lethargic, even if you haven’t physically exerted yourself much.

3. Do you struggle with a disrupted work-life balance?

The boundary between work and personal life becomes blurrier. You might find yourself working late into the night or dealing with personal matters during work hours.

4. Are you facing feelings of isolation and disconnection?

The absence of physical interaction with colleagues or friends could lead to a sense of loneliness or disconnectedness.

5. Experiencing increased stress and anxiety?

The merging of work and personal life can heighten stress levels, leading to anxiety and an overwhelming feeling of being ‘always on.’

6. Feeling constant tech burnout?

Continuous screen time and virtual meetings might lead to eye strain, headaches, and an overall feeling of technological burnout.

What Causes Work From Home Fatigue?

  • Monotony and Lack of Variety

The routine of being at home every day, with limited social interactions and change of scenery, can lead to monotony, causing mental fatigue.

  • Blurred Boundaries

The merging of professional and personal spaces blurs the boundaries, making it difficult to switch off from work, leading to burnout.

  • Isolation and Lack of Social Interaction

The absence of face-to-face interactions and the water cooler chats can lead to feelings of loneliness and isolation, impacting mental well-being.

  • Technological Overload

Continuous use of digital devices, long virtual meetings, and reliance on technology can cause physical strain and mental exhaustion.

  • Unclear Work-Life Balance

Difficulty in creating a separation between work and personal life can result in overworking, contributing to stress and fatigue.

  • Increased Responsibilities

Balancing work, household chores, and potential caregiving responsibilities can lead to overwhelming stress and mental fatigue.

Work From Home fatigue is a genuine experience many remote workers encounter. Recognizing the signs and understanding the causes can help you take proactive steps to combat it. By setting boundaries, establishing a routine, taking breaks, and seeking social connections, you can mitigate WFH fatigue. Remember, prioritizing your well-being is crucial to sustaining a healthy and productive work-from-home lifestyle. Are you experiencing WFH Fatigue? How are you coping? Share your experience with us in the comments. Remember to work smart and be a blessing to someone today. Stay safe and healthy!

Written by Jaie O. TheHelp