An Online Personality

An Online Personality


Greek in origin, the word persona refers to the theatrical masks of stage performers of that era. In essence, personality is the face we present to the world. More often the than not, it is the real person although there are occasions that hiding behind a mask is the best option.

Personality is the sum total of a person’s unique thoughts, feelings, and actions. Some of the ways it can show are in language (words used in conversations and emails), social skills (manners), and attitude (world view).

Some questions to ask oneself  – who are you really? Are you the same person at work and at home? How about when you are with friends? Or is not your concern as a virtual assistant?

Regrettably employees that operate under the huge misconception that personality will not show online may find themselves pounding virtual streets sooner than later. It is easy to fall into a lackadaisical mindset because there’s no supervisor who’s looking over staff’s shoulders. Bear in mind that office work, virtual or not, requires professional behavior which means clients will sense who you really are despite being “invisible.”

Here are a few tips on getting a positive and approachable personality across to online customers and clients:

  1. Follow instructions to the letter. Considered a cardinal rule for all virtual assistants, it solidifies business relationships. When unclear or in doubt, do not hesitate to ask questions.
  2. Be organized. A disorganized assistant does not give clients the impression that tasks will be done and delivered on time.
  3. Make maximum use of available technology such as Skype.

In an actual office, knowing how the boss likes her/his coffee is considered a way to begin a professional relationship. In the virtual world, however, creating a good rapport is only possible through excellent work performance. Being at your workstation on time, your accessibility via mobile phone or instant messaging are excellent first steps. A positive, optimistic, and sincere personality doesn’t just happen; it takes work and conscious thought to develop these traits.

Is it possible to have a successful business without positive relationship with clients? Maybe. But if business-client rapport is strong, more clients could be in the horizon.

Written by Yoli P.- The Help