Author Archives: Astrid S.

Time Management: The Key to A World of Multiples

Time Management: The Key to A World of Multiples

The importance of time has been underlined by the abundance of quotes seeking to emphasize its value like time is money which is especially true in the context of business. The more time you give into it, the more possibility of making money. It may not always convert to these, but the possibility is there. The same is true in the world of virtual assistance as time for clients is agreed upon and billed.

Many might think that time management should not be an issue in the world of virtual assistance because most VAs work at home as long as they have a computer and a high-speed Internet. However, this takes a complicated twist once the intricacies of VA work is considered – the multiple tasks for multiple clients from varied locations and time zones in one nine-hour shift can translate into stress of extreme levels for the VA. It is then in this context that time management becomes the key to working around these multiples.

Without time management skills, a VA can get swamped and overwhelmed, prompting overtime work which could lead to burn out if done all the time despite the higher take-home pay. Clients on the other hand might not appreciate having to pay extra and may deem you inefficient in such a case as clients in general would want to maximize the VA’s shift by giving tasks that they think is enough to occupy the allotted time.

Here are two reasons why time management is extremely important:

1)  Time management leads to success. Efficiency and productivity have become the measurement of performance and to be efficient and productive, you must be able to do more, and turn in top quality work outputs. With proper time management, you develop the discipline to prioritize and plan according to what is urgent and focus on these tasks, without losing momentum thereby increasing work quality.

2) Time management reduces stress. Because time management gives you a clear idea of the day, week, even the month ahead,  it reduces the feeling of being rushed; of having a lot to do and not much time to do them. With the luxury of time, the requirements of the job as well as any eventuality can be addressed without the urge to be frustrated. With reduced stress, you get the chance to learn more, hone skills, gain more experience and stand out and be more of an asset than you already are.

By  managing time properly, a virtual assistant can become more successful without the stress. It allows you to work smarter but not necessarily less harder. And these advantages of time management do not just stop there. They multiply and affect not only your work but the other aspects of your life as you get to devout more time for family, friends and enjoyment.

The client in return gets an efficient VA who manages the admin side of his business seamlessly, comes up with high-quality work outputs and becomes someone he can depend on. He does not only get his money’s worth but also gets to enjoy other aspect of his life with reduced stress, courtesy of his  good time manager virtual assistant.

In a world of multiples – tasks, cultures, time zones, stress – all we can ever do is manage our resources — including time. And with the many tools that we can use out there, it is now more than ever that we can manage our times most. We as virtual assistants must take advantage of that chance. Time they say is life. Live it. Work smart and give yourself the chance to breathe and manage stress better. Once you do, multiple will merely be a number – one you can easily manage like the rest of your tasks. After all, a VA is also a talented juggler.

Written by Kathrine E. – The Help

Lessons for a Newbie VA

Lessons for a Newbie VA

Delving into something that is totally new to you can be both exciting and scary. It can be scary because you have no idea what to expect and no idea what you should do exactly thereby increasing the fear of committing mistakes and human beings do not want to commit mistakes in general. But at the same time, it is exciting for exactly the same reasons. The fact that you do not have any idea what to expect and what exactly you need to do allows you to stretch your wings, widen your horizons and challenge yourself to learn-learn fast, and to grow.

Among the most important things that a new virtual assistant would do well to learn is the value of structure and following detailed instructions.

Wikipedia defines structure as a fundamental, tangible or intangible notion referring to the recognition, observation, nature and permanence of patterns and relationships of entities. As such, it serves as guide or reference in doing things and is present and necessary across all industries and jobs, albeit of varying degree depending on the nature of the company and its business.

In virtual assistance, the importance of structure cannot be undermined. It provides a way to handle things; gives your day flow and ensures proper prioritization of things that need to be done. This becomes even more important in the context of virtual assistance because it is a dynamic workplace wherein virtual assistants may do similar tasks for different clients in different times zones in one shift and without structure, things are bound to get chaotic and that will be an understatement.

Here are three reasons why structure is crucial in virtual assistance:

1) Structure makes you efficient. Efficiency is important in any workplace and even more so in a virtual one because you can be competent but without structure, you can’t be efficient. So structure is extremely important as it gives you a guide to which you can base your day, your time and your projects thus giving you clarity, saves you time, encourages you to be productive and more importantly, in a world of projects and time management, reduces work-related stress especially since you know what you need to do, when to do it and how to do it. Should there be necessary changes, you can easily adapt because you have a guide to anchor you. You make the change and once done, go back to the next item on your structure. So with structure, you accomplish more with less unnecessary stress.

2) Structure makes way for quality. Deadlines are not your only problem but it is beating these deadlines without sacrificing the quality and accuracy of your work and you can better do this with structure. Structure in doing your work helps you avoid mistakes like failing to do a task on a particular time it is needed or missing to record an appointment for your client which is easy to do as more often than not, a VA manages multiple client calendars to which entries are not the only concern but also the difference in time zone. So having a structure ensures that you do exactly what you need to do, for whom and when with less mistakes.

3) Structure creates positive impressions of you and your company. An organized virtual assistant emanates a sense of competence and professionalism to clients and creates good impressions. Being structured shows clients that one is detail-oriented, thorough and a careful planner and this is important for virtual assistance companies because many times, the virtual assistant is the sole representative of her company to the client so how she performs is not only a reflection of herself but a mirror of the entire company. You want a pretty reflection and structure can pave the way for you and lead to future opportunities for you the virtual assistant and your company. Chances are, you will get good feedback which in turn will improve your morale and that of your company and lead to more opportunities from satisfied clients.

With structure you are more prepared to face whatever task may be thrown your way and come out efficient with quality work and making positive impressions of yourself and your company to clients.

Following detailed instructions is another important component of organization in the workplace – virtual or otherwise. Instructions are present in almost everything and everywhere – driving, cooking, at school. They lay out what one needs to do and how to do it properly.  In most, they are being given to save lives, for safety, to avoid chaos, for quality and efficiency. Without instructions, many unnecessary effects can take place and this is true in everyday life. The world of virtual assistance is no different.

Much like your answers in an exam are marked wrong if you do not follow instructions, the work you do as a virtual assistant leads to waste of both your time and the client’s money when you do not follow detailed instructions given by the client or your VA Manager. At school, you follow instructions to get a good grade, similarly, at work, you follow instructions to do a good job and in virtual assistance, you bring this to a whole new level because there is no one there physically present to constantly check what you are doing. You have to be clear as to what is expected of you, to avoid mistakes and the consequences these mistakes may lead to. Instructions must be clarified immediately so as to avoid confusion and for a smooth flow of things.

One advantage of following detailed instructions is the fact that it develops discipline. It encourages you to take note of the specific rules required to make a good job and what not to do to be able to do this. It develops in you the ability to follow more complex  instructions and give instructions in return.

Second, following detailed instructions can cultivate confidence and avoid frustration because you know that what you are doing is right because you did exactly as you were told. You are sure to meet or exceed the standard set by your client and get positive feedback which can boost your confidence.

The importance of following detailed instructions is best summarized by a Proverb which says, “Whoever gives heed to instructions prospers.”

These are only two of the basics of organization skills that a newbie virtual assistant must learn. But these will give the newbie much ammunition to better face her virtual world.  After all, the more organized one is, the better virtual assistant she becomes because organization is said to breed success.  That has never been more true than in the world of virtual assistance where multitasking, multi-cultures and multi-time zones are a way of life.

Written by Kathrine E. – The Help

A Day in a Virtual Assistant’s Life

A Day in a Virtual Assistant’s Life

There are industries which require workers to operate in a reverse time clock compared to the rest of the world. The same is true in the field of virtual assistance (VA). In the VA world, you work day, night and anytime in between depending on the needs of your clients and on their time zone.

The VA’s shift hours are agreed upon at the signing of a contract with the client. Changes to these can be initiated by the VA’s manager or upon the request of the client.  The regular 9-5 working hours is ideal and are preferred. Demand for the night shift is higher because most customers are from North America.

This upside down work schedule alone can be stressful both physically and mentally, not to mention other challenges that come up in the virtual workplace.

Although tough tests face Virtual Assistants, there are tangible rewards as the field is open to all willing to learn on the job and eager to expand professional horizons armed with an excellent command of the English language. Among these rewards is the increased time spent with families because the commute from home to office is eliminated.

A typical VA day begins with her logging in at her computer at a workstation that may be located in a virtual or an actual office then checking her inbox for new directives or changes in a client’s appointments for the day.  The VA also makes sure telephone messages that came in during her absence are delivered to the client then proceeds to finish any pending work left from the previous shift or on to the next task in the client’s to-do list or project. These tasks can vary from updating a webpage, making several sales calls for the client to researching for an appropriate social media post for the day or week. Trained and alert for clients’ needs, a VA is also requested to make calls to arrange for services such as the creation and production of company brochures or to actually help in solving technical problems at another virtual office.

All these would depend on the customer account the VA is responsible for. What makes it more exciting is the fact that one VA can be doing this for a number of clients over the course of the day’s shift and would have to adjust based on the nature of the client’s business.

Responding effectively and in a timely manner to clients is at the core of every VA’s working day, with the ultimate aim of helping clients in the most organized, competent and efficient way possible .

A VA regularly meets with her managers to keep track of performance, to come up with proposals to improve services, and to evaluate the client-VA work relationship.

In all these, a VA will find time to take a break, perhaps enjoy a cup of coffee to keep her going. Till her shift comes to a close, a VA will continue to prioritize tasks in a typical work shift – may it be day or night.

Written by Yoli P. and edited by Kathrine E. – The Help

The Help Turns 6!

The Help Turns 6!

February, the month of hearts, is when The Help turns another page.  Now on its 6th year, time flew for the virtual assistance company started by Astrid Stanek in 2008.

A trained educator, Astrid was on the lookout for work that would give her more time to be with her young children. Being Internet savvy, she visited several job sites and found to her pleasant surprise that work from home opportunities did exist. She decided to continue exploring by creating an Elance ( account to see what was available for a teacher.

Learning on the job, Astrid discovered that virtual assistance was/is fun. People work even when still in pajamas. She landed her first client who was based in Massachusetts; others slowly trickled in. Then came a contract doing data entry for 40 hours per week; it felt like going to work in an office, for eight hours daily, on her own time, she now recalls.

She then landed her first international client, discovered that they can come calling from around the globe. “Being really good at what I do and totally enjoying every part of it,” is Astrid’s mind set.

Appreciating her excellent performance, she was hired and promoted from an Admin Assistant to Executive Assistant, to Head of Operations, to Head of Finance and Operations by several repeat clients.

After these said promotions, Astrid realized that she can’t handle the new responsibilities that came with her promotions and at the same time, handle the increasing number of clients and their demands on her own. She needed to hire virtual assistants to assist her as she takes on bigger responsibilities like managing projects and running offices in different parts of the globe. This need to expand ushered in the birth of The Help, the company.

And expand it did. From Bremerton, a suburb in Washington State, The Help now operates from Singapore and the Philippines. With its growth, The Help makes certain that prospective clients are the right fit. A shared vision of development, of being part of the larger whole, is more important than the income that may be generated by a prospective contract. Compatibility, credibility, trust, and communication are building blocks for The Help.  With these, business has increased by leaps and bounds. The Help progressed as clients who share the same vision did. Learning the hard way, the company has refused lucrative projects that were deemed not a good fit for The Help.

Above all else, employee benefits – a competitive salary scale, social security and health benefits, paid leaves, transportation allowances, along with bonuses, and scholarships for children of staff – are priorities at The Help. They are about motivating and encouraging each team member and providing support to clients. Because of its consistency and performance, Elance has ranked it No 15th  among 9, 755  virtual companies, nationwide.

Astrid, founder and owner of The Help, believes in passing it forward – helping others in small ways such as donations to an orphanage, tuition assistance for a child whose father was laid off, charity work, and sponsorship through charitable organizations.  Anytime business is good, the extra goes to a good cause.

At this day and age, to continuously be a part of the global economy, The Help has to keep growing. “With the right people in my team, it cannot help but expand,” says Astrid.

She also hopes that the legacy she leaves her children and her employees will influence them in the future, guided by her principle of working because you love what you’re doing and not simply because of the money and taking pride in knowing that you are a big part of something; that more than merely contributing, you are important and you belong. “The income or profit is merely the icing on the cake. My hope is when success comes, they remain appreciative, grateful, and helpful,” Astrid says. “Just keep passing the good fortune forward.”

No surprise that The Help began on a February. It’s a company with a lot of heart.

Written by Yoli P. and edited by Kathrine E. – The Help

Functional Skills Beyond Schooling

Functional Skills Beyond Schooling

The idea that a college degree is a ticket to a career is at the back of everyone’s mind. Upon entering the work force, however, one is faced with the reality that the skills needed for professional success are not taught in universities or found in textbooks. They’re nowhere else but the University of Life (it does exist, no doubt about it!) and we are all registered.

Over years of work in traditional and non-traditional jobs, I discovered a few basic, if not crucial, skills for any profession. Here are three:

1)    Willingness to adapt

The work environment, whether actual or virtual, absolutely requires a versatile and flexible mindset. Confidence in one’s ability to do and deliver on a task, no matter the size of the job (relaying timely and accurate messages to a manager, for example) is important. Another case is providing the bottle of ketchup to a customer when working at McDonalds can go a long way. An employee cannot be rattled by job challenges. Instead she/he learns to take the initiative in resolving issues.When in doubt, ask questions. In the make up of an adaptable employee is a high threshold for tolerance for job demands and glitches. As Mahatma Ghandi said, “Anger and intolerance are the enemies of correct understanding.”

2)    Ability to listen actively

Active listening means one is not just hearing what is being said. Formulating an answer/rebuttal to the question/discussion at hand in one’s mind while the speaker has the floor is not active listening. Nodding, a smile, and eye contact with the speaker are proofs of active listening.When possible, provide feedback at the appropriate time.

3)    Courage in the face of change

Change naturally generates anxiety, be it personal or professional. It is essential to stay focused on the tasks at hand. Keep in mind that in every experience is a lesson waiting to be learned. If retrenchment is in the air, remain practical and explore possible alternatives in the same or related field for work opportunities.

Honing abilities like adaptability, active listening, and guts when a situation calls for it will take some time. However, an open mind and a never give up spirit will definitely make an ideal career a reality.

Written by: Yoli P.- The Help