Author Archives: kate

Choose to Live Productively

Choose to Live Productively

January is over. That’s one out of twelve months being done and over with. Some of us may have taken extended vacations, and some (actually, most) of us have probably gone right back to work after the holidays. January is like one giant Monday when we dread coming back from the holiday break. Hopefully, by now, we’ve all eased into our regular schedules.

We may have slid back into some unproductive habits while we were looking for our rhythm at the start of the year. Not to worry, here are some tips to get your productivity going again and get your groove back.

Get enough sleep – being sleep deprived can lead to a host of problems like bad food choices, lack of focus, and low motivation. All of which you will need in order to be productive. How you start your day will set the mood for the rest of it. So, if you start off sleep deprived you won’t have the energy to accomplish tasks.
Exercise to energize – I know it sounds counterintuitive to exercise when you’re feeling sluggish, but that’s the best time to do some kind of exercise activity. When you feel your energy dipping, try a brisk walk around the office. Or better yet, start your day with a quick run around the block.
 Take breaks – There are a lot of benefits to taking work breaks, but the best one is that taking breaks actually increases productivity and creativity.

● Steamline decisions – eliminate decision fatigue by addressing trivial decisions. For example, have a work uniform (meaning, you wear one similar style to work – not the same clothes) to eliminate the time wasted agonizing over what to wear to work. You can also meal prep and take lunch to work on certain days so that you don’t have to think about where to eat.
Start with the end in sight – have a clear picture of what you think the outcome will be before starting a task or project. This makes it easier to stick to the plan and not get easily derailed by unnecessary tasks.
Use technology to your advantage – learn keyboard shortcuts, create templates, utilize web apps like pomodoro or kanban boards to maximize your productivity. Tune out social media and distracting (or scary) news. Keep communication lines open but put them on mute so that you don’t jump up everytime a message comes in on your slack or skype group.

Set priorities – there will be days when you won’t be able to do it all. Know which tasks are important and which ones can be put off for another day.
● Imagine your ideal day – it’s one where all your plans work out well, right? Keep that in mind, down the to small details and work on that accordingly.
● Celebrate your wins – very few of us have type A personalities where we get all of the things done, 100% of the time. Whenever you accomplish a task, celebrate your small victories. That sets you up for more motivation to complete the others.

What are your favorite productivity techniques? Share your hacks with us in the comments. Stay humble and hustle hard!

Written by Jaie O. The Help

Your Morning Motivation Routine

Your Morning Motivation Routine

Motivation is a very important factor in all things we do. It is weird because it works differently for different people. Sometimes it is a switch that (extremely) lucky people can just turn on or off. For the rest of us, it is a snowball that has to be built in order to gain momentum.

Motivation is defined as the desire or willingness to do something. Or it could be the reason for acting or behaving in a particular way. Naturally, our morning is the best time of the day to get particularly motivated. Mornings set the tone for the day so if we wake up sluggish, anxious, or unmotivated – guess how the rest of the day will turn out?

Unless you’re a four-year-old, no one wakes up in the morning excited and eager to take on the day. You will need to help yourself get into that mindset. For some, that comes easy. For others, not so much. So here are tips for the rest of us who will need time to get motivated.

Wake up on time
Freeze. Put your phone down and step away from that snooze button. No one wants to start the day harried, frazzled, and rushing. So stop hitting snooze and reclaim your mornings. You need to take the time to prepare and set your intentions for the day. You won’t be able to do that if you’re rushing to work.

Get some sun
Open your blinds and let the sunshine in. Sunlight signals the body to wake up. It can also facilitate the release of serotonin – a mood-boosting hormone that also helps bring calm and focus. These are things you need to keep yourself motivated.

Activate your body
If you can get a quick work out in – do it. If not, do a quick stretch while making coffee or brushing your teeth. Any activity can help jump-start your body and shake you out of sluggishness. Exercise also helps improve blood circulation, release endorphins (the feel-good hormones), activate your brain, and improve concentration. You can do light stretching, squats, lunges, jumping jacks, or running in place. Those exercises don’t need special equipment or a large space to complete.

Quiet time
Take some quiet time out for yourself. Wake up before the rest of the house does so that you can get some ME time in. This is important for settling into your thoughts and for preparing yourself mentally for the day.

Positive talk
Let go of negative talk and never ever berate yourself. If you catch yourself with a worried thought first thing in the morning – teach yourself to let it go and replace it with a positive thought. Start your day with a motivational quote or a mantra that you could repeat to yourself. You can tell start with something like “better done than perfect” to remind yourself that chasing perfection kills productivity.

What are your favorite motivation tips? Share them with us in the comments. Always remember to stay humble and hustle hard.

Written by Jaie O. The Help

Should I Post This?

Should I Post This?

Recently, I have heard news about a video circulating that had very disturbing content. It was a rockstar who streamed his own death on Facebook live. I had the good sense not to search for or watch the video because, seriously, that is the decent thing to do. It is the way we show our sincere condolences (even if we do not know the person) to those he has left behind.

News followed that the family has requested with great pain to take down all instances of the circulating video. Nobody would want a loved one’s death to be entertainment fodder for other people. Time and again, people get into trouble because of sensitive internet posts. If we can all take the time to reflect before we post anything online – then maybe the internet wouldn’t be such a dangerous and scary place.

In light of this, here are some guidelines on responsible internet posting:

Is it my photo or is it from/of someone else?
You can either get an angry message from the owner of the photo or get serious charges for copyright infringement (or a stern takedown notice at the very least). So before you post anything, ask yourself if it is yours to post. If it is a group picture, ask your friends if they want it posted. And always ask a parent if it’s ok to post a picture of their kid. There are predators online that could take advantage of this.

Is it a good photo?
Does it contain explicit material? Is it suitable for viewing if you saw it at work? Would it promote good feelings or would it promote anger, violence, racism, or apathy? Will seeing it make people feel good or elicit good responses? Some posts inspire good feelings – feelings like love, wealth, health, and a sense of community. Others promote violence and anger. Which feelings will your post promote?

Could it get someone in trouble?
Sure, it’s funny posting a picture of your hammered friend sleeping on the bathroom floor. But stop to think if they could get in trouble for that post. A coworker, boss, or parent could see. It is not fair to project them in an unflattering and compromising light.

Is it going to cause drama?
Your controversial political post could elicit a lot of likes – from like-minded friends – but it might also cause a great divide. I’ve seen friends and family unfriend each other on political issues. Unless it is a fair and inclusive discussion, then it’s probably a good idea to talk about it in private, amongst friends and family, and not publish your thoughts out on the internet for all to see – and judge.

Am I aware that anyone can share it?
Check your settings people – be careful who gets share access to your posts and pictures.

Would I be okay with my Grandma seeing it?
If the answer is NO, then don’t.

A year from now, will I feel good about making it public?
We all say stupid things when we’re young, uninformed, or don’t know better. People forgive, but it’s hard to forget when it becomes available online for all eternity. Remember, everything you put out on the internet gets stored on servers somewhere – forever.

Be careful about what you share. Remember to stay humble and hustle hard.


Written by Jaie O. The Help

Take Bedtime Back

Take Bedtime Back

How were our first few weeks at work? I know we’re still not over the holidays and our sleep cycles are still in vacation mode from all the partying done during the holiday season. I’m sure some of you have vowed to make 2019 your most productive year ever. How about we start by taking bedtime back! After all, a good night’s sleep guarantees more energy in the morning to be able to do the productive things we promised ourselves to do.

Maintain a consistent sleep schedule.
The amount of sleep adults need vary from person to person. Some say they can subsist on just 5 hours of sleep (they’re lying) but the average adult needs anywhere between 7 to 9 hours of quality sleep per night in order to function well the next day. Less than that can lead to a sleep deficit which will bite you in the ass later in the form of a weakened immune system, impaired cognitive function and memory, and susceptibility to stress.

Don’t go to bed hungry.
But also, don’t go to bed full. Going to bed full makes you prone to acid reflux. Going to bed hungry can affect the quality of sleep or cause difficulty in getting sleep since your brain is awake and looking for food. Get a light snack if you must, milk and cookies or a grilled cheese sandwich work.

Bring positive thoughts to bed.
You will have a hard time getting sleep if you’re constantly worrying of nursing negative thoughts. I know, sometimes we can’t help it. But try to clear your mind by doing some reading or watching a documentary about animals.

Reduce caffeine intake.
Repeat after me, no coffee after 3 pm. Caffeine after that can make you stay awake or affect the quality of sleep you get.

Regularly doesn’t mean pumping iron 7 times a week for one hour. Do your thing, but get going. It could be some low impact stretching, walking around the block, jogging, yoga, Zumba – every other day, every Wednesday and Friday, it’s your call…just get some activity. This will improve your blood circulation which is what we’re after. In turn, that will improve the quality of sleep you get.

Go, go gadget free.
Blue light emitted by gadgets disrupts your REM or deep sleep patterns. Social media is a buzzkill as well. Ever slept soundly after scrolling through your Facebook feed? Yup, didn’t think so… so, try to go gadget free at least 2 hours before bedtime.

Limit your liquids.
So you finally got your much-needed rest but woke up in the middle of the night because you needed to empty your bladder. It’s going to be hard to reclaim your sleep once you stub your toe on a table leg. Pee before going to bed so you don’t have to get up in the middle of the night and birdbox your way through a dark hallway to the bathroom.

Optimize your room.
Invest in sleep gear – comfy pillows, a nice comfy mattress, clean sheets, and some lavender scented things can help you sleep better.

Rest well! Stay humble and hustle hard.


Written by Jaie O. The Help

HALT Before you Eat

HALT Before you Eat

The holiday season is over and we’re all guilty of eating too much during the half month long festivities. There’s the mandatory Christmas Dinner with friends and family, there are the New Year cocktails, and then lots of pocket celebrations in between. Now that eating season is finally over, it’s a bit hard to go back to regular programming especially since there are probably still food left over from the new year feasts.

Going on a strict diet after all that fanfare could be a tall order for some. It might be more prudent to gradually ease into a healthy eating plan. Depriving yourself of food could lead to a relapse and binge eating. You can learn to break the binge eating cycle though. Start a healthy diet and don’t cut out particular food groups right away. Build a healthier relationship with food by asking yourself these questions before noshing on food.

Ask yourself if you’re really hungry or if you’re just thirsty. Dehydration could sometime feel like you need something to eat. When your stomach is empty, your body signals your brain to chow down of some grub. When your cells are dehydrated, it does the same. Make sure to eat regular meals though. When your blood sugar is low, the same signals are sent to your brain. This time, you really need food.

So be sure to eat regular meals. Don’t let yourself go hungry for long periods of time. And chew slowly! The body needs at least 20 minutes to signal to your brain that it is full.

Intense feeling like anger, frustration, and (the most common cause for overeating) stress can cause your adrenalin to spike and your body to seek food. Manage your emotions and try to calm down first. Go for a run. Do a quick workout. Dance. Take a quick shower. Distract yourself first and then check your emotions after. See if you’re still hungry after doing these.

There is a reason why it’s called comfort food. When we seek solace, we run to familiar things. Things that make us feel better. Maybe we associate certain foods with certain feelings of home, or belonging, or getting well. And we regularly turn to food as a way of feeling not so alone. I know my mom’s menudo makes me feel better when I miss home. So make a batch but be careful about eating the whole thing. Eat a small portion and call a friend to share it with. Alternatively, call your mom instead. She’ll appreciate it.

If you’re sleep deprived and lacking rest, the chemicals in your body go overdrive and turn whack. It signals the brain that you need sugar (aka fuel). A very dangerous time indeed as this scenario coupled with stress (as is always the case) leads (all of the time) to overeating. The most obvious solution is of course to get some sleep. Rest! If your body needs to rest, no time is too early for bedtime.

Did I miss anything? What are your healthy eating tips? Share them with us in the comments. Stay humble and hustle hard.


Written by Jaie O. The Help