Author Archives: kate

A Long Standing Tradition

A Long Standing Tradition

We at The Help have a continuing tradition of gift giving which we’ve started in 2013. We launch this program close to or during the holidays to be able to share with our community all the abundant blessings that we are ever so grateful for. Not only do we have a gift-giving program, we have an outreach program and a feeding program as well. These programs are organized ad hoc, as a response to caring for typhoons victims and other calamities. With our pooled resources, our civic-minded team takes time out to lovingly prepare the food, entertainment, and gift bags. With the help of community leaders and school administrators, we are able to share those, along with, stories, fun, and laughter over a humble feast.

We do this every year and we will continue this tradition of gift giving and helping our community as a way of saying “thank you” for all the blessings and the continued success we have.

Tomorrow is Christmas day and we take a hard-earned break from work to join the whole world in festivities that come with the season. Tonight, we will be celebrating love and friendship with our families and closest friends over a nice warm meal. But before we begin the celebration, we would like to thank all the people who contributed to our success and made it possible for us to keep moving forward.

A Merry Christmas to all our cherished clients. We appreciate your business and look forward to a continued harmonious relationship with you, for many more holidays to come. Thank you for your continued support and for your trust and belief in The Help. We promise to continue to work hard with you in growing your business and provide you with the best service possible. We wish you and your families “happy holidays”, and may your holidays be prosperous, peaceful, and safe. We appreciate you. Thank you for your business.

A Merry Christmas to our dearly valued staff. Our organization is formed by great people who are happy working together. We are lucky to have such a dedicated staff and we would like to thank you for your hard work and commitment. The Help is proud to be working with world class team members like you. You are an integral part of our team’s success and the main reason why we are on top of our game. We wish you and your families “happy holidays”, and may your holidays be warm, bountiful, and safe. Thank you for your service.

To our clients and staff, you are a blessing for which we are forever grateful for and surely, you are a blessing to others as well. Thank you for all your wonderful contributions to the business!

As we bring the year to a close, let us not forget the reason for the season. The Christmas spirit is inside each and every one of us. Let us share this spirit with others. We hope you have a fun and peaceful celebration. Merry Christmas, from all of us at The Help.

How to have a happy holidays

How to have a happy holidays

The holidays are upon us. We haven’t slowed down one bit since Halloween. First came the costume planning and candy buying. In the aftermath of all the Halloween festivities, we’ve been busy preparing for Thanksgiving, planning dinner and seating arrangements. And now, it’s almost Christmas!

Christmas time is a time for festivities. It is also the most stressful time of the year for a lot of people. It involves making travel arrangements, dinner plans, gift buying, wrapping, and giving. And then cleaning up after, to start it all again for the new year.

As you read this, Christmas is just a few days away and it’s a bit too late to change gears and switch plans now. If you haven’t planned out your holidays yet, fear not! Here’s a checklist of things you have to do starting right now.

Plan for your break:

❏ File a leave for the days when you (most definitely) know that you won’t be able to make it work. It’s a safe bet to file for 2 weeks off to enjoy the holiday festivities, especially if you’re traveling!
❏ Make travel arrangements early. The earlier you book hotels and plane tickets, the cheaper they are.
❏ If you’re traveling by car, check that it’s running smoothly, that you have enough gas, and that you have emergency supplies.


❏ You should have bought gifts by now, and it’s time to wrap them. If you can’t do it yourself, you can hire someone to wrap it for you. Most shops offer gift wrapping services, check your purchases if your eligible to have them wrapped for a fee or even for free!
❏ You can also hire an enterprising neighbor or babysitter to moonlight as an amateur gift wrapper. Buy some ribbons, wrappers, and tape and just pay for their time.
❏ Forgot to buy a hostess/host gift? Forgot to buy a gift for a friend? Need ideas for last minute gifts? Here are a few items that you can buy at the last minute and will make great gifts.

Wine – ladies would love pink rosé or Moscato
Beer – buy those designer homebrews from microbreweries, a set of 2 or 3 will make any guy happy.
Baked goods – cookies and pies would make great last minute gifts. They keep for long and will last (hopefully) last a few days.
Preserves – jams and jellies also make good last-minute gifts. You can get them at the grocery and just put a pretty ribbon on the caps.

Christmas dinner:

❏ Plan your Christmas dinner. It’s usually one or two entrees, plus a couple of sides. You don’t have to slave in the kitchen for hours. Store bought is fine! Save yourself the trouble and gain peace of mind. You can get roast beef or rotisserie chicken, a Christmas ham, some spring rolls, and then just do a few side dishes like mac n cheese, your go-to salad, or some mashed potatoes. Encourage guests to bring their favorite side dishes to share and ask for the recipe at dinner. That would be fun!
❏ You can get store desserts (cakes and pies!) and just make it your own by adding a touch of cream or some jam/syrup. Store bought isn’t lazy, and taste just as good. You won’t be stuck in the kitchen all day and can use that time to hang out and catch up with loved ones.

What holiday shortcuts do you have? How do you reduce holiday stress? Share your tips with us in the comments. Stay humble and hustle hard.

How to reduce anxiety by increasing dopamine naturally?

How to reduce anxiety by increasing dopamine naturally?

Anxiety is defined as the feeling of unease brought about by worry or fear. Everyone experiences it at some point in their lives and it can range from mild to severe. It can be caused by a lot of things, everyday worries such as worrying over a presentation or test, not having enough money to pay the bills, getting to work on time, etc. Some things can cause more anxiety than others. And even some, like major life changes, can result to severe anxiety.

Anxiety can result in lack of focus, fatigue, insomnia, forgetfulness, mood swings, and difficulty in concentrating. There are other symptoms, and they can vary from person to person, but they all have one thing in common – a chemical imbalance or deficiency. Usually, it is dopamine. Dopamine is the chemical in the brain that affects pleasure and pain. Too much or too little of it can be linked to mental illnesses. To relieve anxiety naturally, it is a good idea to balance out your dopamine levels. Here’s how:

Regular exercise:
One way to naturally increase your dopamine levels is to exercise. Studies show that physical exercise can increase dopamine levels. It doesn’t have to be strenuous or intense – a simple 20-minute walk each day can do wonders for your mental health. Take in the scenery, enjoy the surroundings, be mindful of your breathing. You’ll find that even a nice short walk can clear the mind and help ease your anxiety.

Physical touch:
I am a firm believer in the power of touch. I love getting (and giving) hugs, always look forward to cuddling with pets and try to get massages whenever I can. Studies show that therapeutic massage is effective in reducing generalized anxiety. It has been proven to increase both dopamine and serotonin levels in the brain. That, coupled with the benefits of enhancing the lymphatic system and easing aches and body pains – a massage is an all natural way of reducing anxiety.

Check your diet:
We all know that it’s no good to fill our bodies with junk food day in and day out, but we do it anyway. We eat fast food because it’s convenient. We mindlessly graze on chips when we’re bored and not even hungry. It’s just something we do while watching a show or while working on a desk. We get takeout because we’re too pressed for time to prepare our own meals at home. Sometimes, we make less than healthy food choices because it’s just easier that way. But our food choices can contribute to our mental health. When we eat crappy food, we feel crappy. If we can just remember to swap out healthier things for junk, than we’re one step closer to higher dopamine levels and reduced anxiety. Swap out junk food for fruits such as avocados and bananas. Eat more eggs, almonds, chicken, and fish. These food will naturally increase dopamine and reduce anxiety.

Did we miss anything? Do you have any tips on how to naturally increase dopamine levels? Share them with us in the comments. Stay humble and hustle hard.


Written by Jaie O. The Help

Start a Hobby

Start a Hobby

It’s the last month of 2018 and we’re all winding down for the year. In the last few weeks of 2018, we’re all starting to get into the holiday’s mindset, planning food, making travel arrangements, and wrapping gifts. Hopefully, we’ve added a few new things to our arsenal of knowledge and experiences, met new people, made new friends, learned a lot of new things. On my new year list would be to learn a few more in order to shake things up a bit. What better time to start a new year than by planning things now.

Starting a new hobby can be daunting – especially if you suck at hobbies. How do you suck at hobbies, you ask? It’s when you start something and then just leave things unfinished or quit in the middle of a project (adult coloring books anyone?) That’s ok, maybe you haven’t found the hobby that’ll hold your interest yet. The key is to try things out and stick to the things you like.

Here are a few suggestions if you want to start learning something new for the new year.

One of the most important skills to learn is how to feed yourself. Nobody can subsist on take-out and microwaveable food forever. At some point in your adult life, you’re going to have to learn how to make food. Start with simple dishes like pasta or salads. The site called 4 Ingredients have recipes for food that only calls for 4…you guessed it…4 ingredients. Pick one and get started. You can move on to more complicated dishes once you’ve mastered a few simple ones.

Embroidery, cross stitching, crocheting, and knitting are some of the best hobbies involving needlecraft. Studies have shown that knitting can reduce anxiety, depression, chronic pain, and slow down the onset of dementia. According to the findings “the repetitive movements required to create a pattern release calming serotonin, which can lift moods and dull pain. So take up any one of these hobbies if you’re looking to reduce stress and anxiety. In the process, you can create something beautiful.

Exercise is a must, but if you have to make it fun, turn it into a hobby. My friends are very much into the fitness passes type of memberships where you buy a fitness pass to a network of gyms and try out different classes that range from yoga to boxing. This is fun for people who get bored of regular workouts or those who constantly need to do something different every time. You just have to check out the workout classes that are available in your area. It’s very convenient. Try a few classes in barre pilates, cycling, rowing, boxing, or even pole dancing. Then you can stick to the ones you like best.

What hobbies do you plan on taking up for next year? We’d love to hear them. Share them with us in the comments. Stay humble and hustle hard.


Written by Jaie O. The Help

Do these now and be ready for the holidays

Do these now and be ready for the holidays

The holidays are near…so near..oh wait, it’s here! Would you look at that? Not so long ago we’ve been vowing all over social media that 2018 will be our year. Now, it’s almost over – just one more month to go and we’ll be declaring 2019 to be our year.

December is a bonus month. Before the second week rolls around we’re already on vacation mode – off to parties, holiday prep, and travel planning. Our minds are off work and are looking forward to celebrations and family gatherings.

Pre-planning helps you prevent being one of those people who haven’t planned their holidays and are buying last minute gifts in a frenzy. It can also help you avoid unnecessary costs since somehow, prices are jacked up closer to the holidays: plane tickets, hotel bookings, Christmas themed food items, kitschy gifts, even baked goods.

So before you get caught up in the hustle and bustle surrounding the holidays, here’s a quick checklist of things to do to get yourself ready for the holiday season. If you start early, you can still avoid the Christmas rush!

Things to do at work before you leave for the holidays

❏ Make sure that your projects are on track – work on your priority projects first but don’t drop the ball on your other projects.
❏ File for a leave – let them know how long you’ll be gone and when you’re expected back
❏ Delegate work and make it clear who’s leading the team while you’re gone. Designate a POC (Point of Contact person) who can answer work questions for you.
❏ Decide who gets your contact number – tip: not everyone should have it. Remember, no one wants to be bothered while on vacation. The less people know your contact number, the more you can enjoy your holiday.

Things to do if you’re traveling for the holidays

❏ Decide where you’re going to stay: hotel, Airbnb, staying with family?
❏ Book your accommodations well before the expected arrival date – will save you on cost and is less stressful than trying to book closer to the date.
❏ Check your car, supplies, gear, tickets, passport, etc.
❏ You might want to arrange for a pet or house sitter.
❏ Don’t forget your utility bills!

Things to do for Family, Friends and You

❏ Get Christmas gifts and host gifts if you’re staying in someone’s home.
❏ Check your budget – you don’t want to blow all your money on one holiday.
❏ Think about what food you want to prepare for Christmas and New Year. Don’t try to make everything yourself. Store bought is ok.

How do you prepare for the holidays? What other items do you think should be on this checklist? Share them with us in the comments. Stay humble, hustle hard.


Written by Jaie O. The Help