Category Archives: Administrative Support

Declutter And Spruce Up Your Home Office Workspace While On Lockdown

Declutter And Spruce Up Your Home Office Workspace While On Lockdown

The COVID-19 outbreak has sent most of us on lockdown and self-quarantine with a majority of people working from home. This has made home offices an essential part of most households. Because employees were instructed to work from home, they had to make do with a spare room or an unused table set up in the common areas of the home. Whatever your setup is, enclosed space or common area, these “home offices” are prone to clutter. Even more so because now, all family members are sharing the space at the same time and boundaries are a bit more blurred in the home. 

You don’t have to let your workspace slide into entropy and disarray. You can declutter and spruce it up to help boost your concentration and help you become more productive. Here are 3 ways to keep your home office tidy and looking good.

Work Zone Ahead

If you’re lucky enough to already have a separate room you use as a home office, then well and good. However, a lot of people don’t have that luxury. Some even prefer an open-plan kind of workspace, especially those with kids at home, so they can work but at the same time keep an eye out on the kids. Whatever your setup is, it is easier to get into a good workflow if you divide your office into zones with your desk being the main work zone and separate zones for storage (files and office supplies), printing (printer, printing supplies, and copy paper), and taking a break (coffee or tea corner). Zone your desk as well with your laptop or PC front and center, one corner holding your pen, notepad, and phone, and one corner for your spill-proof coffee mug. Everything else can go into drawers. Only keep essential items on your desk. 

Wires Hidden Away

Visible wiring creates visual noise. Visual noise makes your workspace feel cluttered and competes with your focus making you feel tired, or worse, unproductive. There are a few ways you can hide your cords and wires away. You can use wire organizers, baskets, cord covers, zip ties (my personal favorite), binder clips, command hooks, staple guns, or even toilet paper rolls. This helps keep your office looking good and clutter-free. 

Tidy Up Everyday

Before you wrap up for the day, take 5mins to put everything back in their designated place. Throw away trash and have a regular schedule for taking that trashbin out. Make sure important files are filed away in their proper folders and keep your pen in a holder. Don’t forget to take your coffee mug to the kitchen sink. Taking 5 minutes to clear up your workspace will ensure that it remains tidy and organized. 

Do you have any expert tips on how to keep your home office neat and clutter-free? Let us know in the comments. Remember to work smart and be a blessing to someone today. Stay safe and healthy!

Written by Jaie O. TheHelp

How To Survive Working From Home With Kids

How To Survive Working From Home With Kids

I see parenting websites and social media accounts filled with pictures of toddlers sitting compliantly on their parent’s lap while the parent is joyfully working on a laptop. That is not what most households look like, especially with kids staying home in lockdown. 

All around the world, schools are closed to reduce the spread of the Covid-19 coronavirus. However, not all classes have been cancelled. Parents now share bandwidth with kids who have their own online conference calls with their teachers. Printers are constantly running with daily printouts of school work. School and home life have now blended into each other. Lunch breaks are a big event. Kids need constant supervision, and all hands are on deck.

Work from home parents find it harder to maintain a work-life balance when kids are taking over their lives 24/7. At least there was some respite when the kids were still physically going to school. Now, every day feels like Monday for some parents. 

To avoid going crazy and putting one of your kids in the oven, here are some tips to survive working from home with kids:

Lay the ground rules

Talk to your children and manage their expectations. Explain the changes that are happening and how they can help make the situation easier. Make sure they understand that the situation may last for a while and that you need their patience, understanding, and cooperation.

Set “office hours”

You need to create a schedule and communicate that to your family as well as your colleagues. You need a schedule in order to minimize disruptions. Capitalize on nap times and hours when kids are busy coloring or doing schoolwork. Schedule to do your deep work or make/return calls during that time.

Give your kids activities

Schedule a time during the day when you can do some activities with the kids. Give them recreational tasks during this time like putting together a jigsaw puzzle, painting, coloring, drawing, creating figures with clay, etc. Spending quality time with them gives them something to look forward to, and they will be less likely to disrupt you while you’re working.

Have a designated workspace

Ideally, this designated workspace should have a door to keep people out. But a lot of parents prefer to work where they can still keep an eye on their children. So, whatever workspace you decide on, be sure to communicate to your family that this space is your “office” space and that when you are in this space, you should not be disturbed. 

Ask for help

You and your spouse should take turns watching over the kids. Work out a schedule so that each of you can spend time with the kids while the other gets some work done, then switch places. If you have other family members in lockdown with you (older children, your own parents, older relative, etc.) who can watch the kids for a while, you can also ask them to watch the younger ones so that you can get some work done.

What tips do you have for work from home parents? Let us know in the comments. Remember to work smart and be a blessing to someone today. Stay safe and healthy!

Written by Jaie O. TheHelp

These Are The Most Important Steps You Should Take To Secure Your Gmail Account

These Are The Most Important Steps You Should Take To Secure Your Gmail Account

Most of us use Gmail for almost all of our email and online correspondence. With such heavy reliance on Gmail, shouldn’t it be a priority to keep our Gmail accounts safe and secure? After all, it has an abundance of information that, if the wrong people get a hold of, could lead to something as minor as a hacked Netflix account or something as major as identity theft.

Gmail carries personal details, password reset links, and a host of other sensitive information. You can’t just pray to the internet gods that your Gmail account won’t get hacked. There are concrete steps to take to secure your Gmail account. Secure your Gmail account right now. It won’t take you too long but will give you peace of mind.

Password strength

Is your password “123456”? If so, you better change your password, right this very moment. That generic password makes its way to number one on the most commonly used, and consequently most hackable passwords in the world. CNN reveals the top 3 most common passwords were: 

  1. 123456
  2. 123456789
  3. qwerty

The top ten list is listed here. Using weak passwords leaves you vulnerable to hackers. It’s also a really bad idea to reuse passwords. So, use hard to guess passwords so that your Gmail account won’t get hacked. If you are badly uncreative at making passwords or notoriously forgetful, try using a password manager. 

2-step verification

Two-factor authentication will make it extremely difficult for hackers to access your account. It involves getting a randomly generated six-digit passcode sent to your phone. So unless hackers have your password AND physical access to your phone, they can’t hack your account. 


Double-check that your recovery information is up-to-date. Check each section: recovery phone, recovery email, and security question and update them with current information. If you don’t update this, you will have a hard time logging back in if you get locked out of your account. The same security applies to you so, keep your recovery information updated.

You can also use the authenticator app. Go to “Set Up” under the “Authenticator app section” and then select the type of phone you use.

Account activity

From time to time, Gmail sends you an email asking you to check your account activity. Please take that seriously and check the details. Read it carefully and make sure the account activity is yours. If you don’t recognize the activity, “sign out of all other Gmail web sessions” and then promptly change your password. 

With the global pandemic forcing everyone into lockdown, more and more people rely on making online transactions versus cash payments. Now more than ever, it is important to keep your Gmail and online accounts secure to keep your online identity and accounts safe.

Do you have any expert tips on how to secure your online accounts? Let us know in the comments. Remember to work smart and be a blessing to someone today. Stay safe and healthy!

Written by Jaie O. TheHelp

DIY Hacks to Increase Productivity While Working From Home

DIY Hacks to Increase Productivity While Working From Home

First, the schools closed. Then the malls shut down. Then employers everywhere asked their workers to adapt “flexible work arrangements” where possible. That means, working from home. For many who are working in the gig economy, this arrangement is not new. But there is a surprising number of people who are dealing with this work from home situation for the first time. 

Working from home affords us some degree of flexibility and control over our work schedule. It also presents tons of distractions in the form of chores, kids, pets, or meal preparations (especially if you love to cook). Some of the challenges that affect productivity when working from home include having less accountability and limited communication compared to working from the office. However, it is easier for people who are working from home to get into deep work (which is the ability to focus without distraction on a cognitively demanding task). Here are some tips to hack your productivity while working from home.

Have a dedicated workspace:

Sure, your kitchen table can work in a pinch. But it takes time to clear up your “office” each and every mealtime. So, it’s better to have a dedicated workspace. Ideally, this space should be free of distractions. The three biggest temptations are: the bed, the fridge, and the tv. Stay away from them.

Get yourself some organizers:

Make sure that your office is free of clutter. Clutter is visual noise. It distracts you and interferes with your focus, thus reducing productivity. So have a place for everything and keep everything in its place. Clear your desk of things that you don’t immediately need, like: copy paper, folders, pins, staplers, staple wires, paperclips, highlighters, magnets, or extra batteries. Only keep your essentials: laptop, headset, charger, favorite pen, and a notepad. You don’t even have to buy organizers. You can repurpose tins, cans, boxes, and trays to use for organizing your office supplies. 

Keep a regular schedule:

Working from home gives people a lot of flexibility. However, not sticking to a work schedule is doing yourself a disservice. You might be tempted to do a wash load or clean your bathroom in the middle of the day. If you set a regular work schedule for yourself, you can easily track when your workday ends and your personal time begins. In choosing to block a time for work, consider when your managers and colleagues will be available and what your most productive hours are. 

Schedule regular breaks:

To stay productive, you need to take meaningful breaks. Breaks help prevent decision fatigue, restore motivation, increase creativity, and improve learning. They are important to keep a healthy balance and to feel refreshed. Set alarms for regular breaks. You can take a break for meals, coffee, some minor chores, or even go out for a quick walk (while practicing social distancing, of course).

Do you have any expert tips on how to stay productive while working from home? Let us know in the comments. Remember to work smart and be a blessing to someone today. Stay safe and healthy!

Written by Jaie O. TheHelp

Think You Can’t Get Burnt Out Working From Home? Think Again

Think You Can’t Get Burnt Out Working From Home? Think Again

Companies have now adopted the flexible work arrangement for their employees. This means that most people who aren’t absolutely required to go to the office, are mandated by their employees to work from their homes. Working from home makes people feel like they have more control over their workday. We feel like we finally have more time for ourselves because we’ve done away with the long commute and virtually cut short the time it takes to get ready to go to work. 

By this time, excitement over the novelty of working from home has already worn out. Most of my colleagues who are new to working from home are already complaining about suddenly feeling overwhelmed, tired, and uneasy. They tell me that their days have bled into one big, never-ending day. I tell them that’s common. I tell them they might have experienced that feeling before. I tell them that they’re probably experiencing burnout. Collective gasp.

They’re always surprised to know that you can get burnt out, even when you’re working from home. But burnout happens when you face elevated levels of stress over a long period of time. Such as the stress we’re all under due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The abrupt disruption in our lifestyle and social isolation can affect both your mental and physical health. Here are some of the common culprits that can lead to work from home burn out:

Blurred lines

Most burn out stems from a lack of work-life balance, which, in real life, is extremely hard to achieve. Top this up with adopting a work from home arrangement, and it makes it harder to achieve that balance. Why? Because there are no forced boundaries that help separate your work from your personal life. The lack of boundaries makes it more convenient to go from professional to personal activities. Nothing’s stopping you from doing a pile of laundry while you’re waiting for that download to come through. 

The solution: have a set work schedule and set hard stops for yourself. Pick a block of time for work and focus on doing only work during those times. Of course, you should also do the same for personal time.

The social network

Working from home can be isolating, even if you’re with family. Having interaction with colleagues can break up the monotony and the pressures of family life. That also works vice-versa. Keeping in touch with officemates is harder when you work from home. Sometimes, due to technological restrictions, interactions are limited to instant messages and chats. Work from home employees also finds it difficult not to get real-time feedback on their work assignments and feel like they need more direction when they’re working from home as opposed to working at the office.

The solution: be deliberate about reaching out to colleagues and managers for help and for real-time feedback. Ask for a meeting with your manager so that you can let them know how you’re tracking with work.

How’ve you been loving working from home so far? Got any tips for people who are starting to get burnt out? Let us know in the comments. Remember to work smart and be a blessing to someone today. Stay safe and healthy!

Written by Jaie O. TheHelp