Category Archives: Virtual Assistant

Time Management Hacks

Time Management Hacks

No matter how intent we are at trying to manage our productive time, there will always be a cause for a delay that is due to forces beyond our control. The possibility of delay can stem from various reasons, some of them are due to lack of foresight, some are due to bad time management, and some…just terrible luck.

Time management is one of the major challenges of freelancers, contractors, and entrepreneurs. Without a regimented clock in – clock out system to keep them accountable for their productive work hours, it’s very easy to get derailed off of important work tasks. Even office workers who have regular 9 to 5 schedules lose productive time on distractions and ad hoc tasks that seemingly need urgent attention.

The trick is to understand your most effective work schedule. If you are a freelancer or entrepreneur, you have more flexibility over your schedule. This means you can tailor your time to optimize your calendar into your most productive days. That could mean shifting your work schedule from a “standard” Monday to Friday, to a more practical Tuesday to Saturday. Let’s face it, it can be more practical for freelancers or entrepreneurs to shift workday schedules as there can be more business during the weekend – especially those who work events. For office workers who work set hours, carve out a time when you can hunker down and do your most productive work.

Here are other tips to create your most effective work schedule:
1. Carve Out Specific “Focus Time” – Avoid distractions and get into the mindset of focusing on your work. Have a target of when you’ll finish the task. You can use the Pomodoro technique to maximize your productivity.
2. Figure out When Your Brain Is at Its Best – When do you do your best work? Is it in the morning, afternoon, or late at night? I’ve written about Chronotypes here. It explains why some people are morning Larks and some people are Night Owls. So if you work early hours and your chronotype is not exactly that of a morning person, you might want to shift your best productive work to later in the day.
3. Experiment with Prioritization – Try listing just a few priority tasks on your to-do list. I find 3 to be the magic number. More and you risk getting distracted and not being able to complete the task.
4. Stop Going to Meetings – I’ve written about the biggest time waster at the office here. Unproductive meetings cost US big businesses $37 Billion. It’s not only big businesses that are affected. In the UK, SMEs lose an average of £63,700 per annum on meetings. Chew on those stats for a while.
5. Create a Routine – Figure out a system that works for you. Start by clearing your workspace and clearing your mind. Reduce clutter to a minimum

You can read more about these excellent tips here: How to Build the Most Effective Work Schedule

Got any time management hacks for us? Share them with us in the comments. Stay humble, hustle hard.


Written by Jaie O. The Help


Stress and the Workplace

Stress and the Workplace

Our bodies have a pre-programmed response to stress. It has a built-in safety system that, in the olden days, was meant to protect us against predators and life-threatening situations, such as bushfires and tornadoes. This is our fight or flight response, and it is a natural and healthy response to any perceived threat.

Under stress, our bodies produce the hormone adrenaline to increase our heart rate and elevate our blood pressure. This makes sure we have enough energy supply. Cortisol is also produced to increase blood sugar and shut down deemed non-essential bodily functions that will hinder our reaction time, such as suppressing our immune system, reproductive system, and digestive system.

Times are different now. We don’t have to worry about bushfires or wolves trying to eat us. What we have now is a different kind of stress altogether. And it is just as dangerous.

Our stress response usually shuts down and returns to normal after the perceived stress is over. So, bodily functions go back to normal once that small kitchen fire is put out, or when you finally find that phone you thought you lost.

However, when you are constantly being bombarded by stressors your fight or flight response is always turned on, stress hormones are constantly being produced, and your bodily processes become disrupted. Your body thinks it is under attack and puts you in a prolonged fight or flight mode.

An example of constant stress is stress in the workplace. We spend ⅓ of our adult lives at work. That, (for most people) is 8 hours of each day at the office. It is like a second home, and so it would make much sense to try to keep the workplace a safe zone for everyone.

Situations happen when the workplace no longer feels like a safe zone for an employee. Some situations that can be deemed stressful and can be considered a cause excessive stress are: an employee being “exposed to a traumatic event in the workplace if the employee experiences violence, harassment, or bullying while at work, and unreasonable expectations from the employee.”

Excessive workplace stress is one major culprit of anxiety and depression. It can have serious repercussions on an employees health and wellbeing. If you are experiencing serious excessive workplace stress, talk to your HR or a trusted manager. If you feel like you have to explore other alternatives, you can read about other options here.

I’ve written about how to manage stress, here, and here. Stress is always present but it need not be chronic. Otherwise, your health will suffer. Prolonged stress compromises your immune system and makes you prone to a host of problems like anxiety, headaches, obesity, heart disease, and memory impairment, among others. It is always best to keep stress to a minimum and learn how to manage it.

How do you handle stress at the workplace? Share your best tips with us in the comments. Stay humble and hustle hard.



Written by Jaie O. The Help

Workday Snacks For Better Performance

Workday Snacks For Better Performance

We all have days when we feel depleted and unproductive, as if all our energy and life force has been drained and, like a battery, needs to be recharged. We feel slow, sluggish, and our brain power may not be up to certain tasks.

There are a lot of ways to recharge when you feel a little low and unproductive, these could range from taking a quick break to going on a full-on vacation. While it is highly advisable to take a much-needed rest when you feel exhausted, there are things you could do every day that can help you with your depleted energy levels that won’t cost an arm, a leg, and several vacation leaves.

What can you do to improve your energy and performance? Watch what you eat!

Certain foods deplete our energy and make it way harder to concentrate on work. Foods that are high in fat will make you feel sleepy and sluggish while foods that are high in sugar can make you feel both tired and forgetful – not good if you have a job that requires concentration, energy, or involves high mental performance. What you snack on at work will set the tone for how you perform throughout the day. So, stay away from chips and those free doughnuts in the pantry. Eat food that can help increase your productivity and give you an energy boost.

Eat these instead:

Berries: these are rich in antioxidants and can help improve memory. Their antioxidant components boost cognitive functions and increase productivity. They’re even known to prevent Parkinson’s and Alzheimer. Stay away from cherries though, they are filled with tryptophan and would be better suited for bedtime rather than as a midday snack.

Nuts: Nuts help increase memory and brain performance and are naturally high in protein and good fats. Nuts are also filled with antioxidants, Vit. E, and amino acids. They’re also very handy. So instead of reaching for a bag of chips, why not reach for a small bag of nuts? Almonds and walnuts are your best bet for brain power boosts.

Dark Chocolate: Did you know that cacao (unprocessed, raw chocolate) is said to be the most nutritious food source on earth? This is why the darker the chocolate is, which means it is closer to its unprocessed form, the better it is for your health. Cacao trumps all other food as far as antioxidant points are concerned. It has antidepressant qualities due to a high serotonin content. This is why eating chocolate makes you happy!

Bananas: One medium-sized banana has the complete requirement of glucose to keep you energized for the whole day. Getting your glucose fix from a banana is better compared to other sources of sugars like muffins, cookies, and other baked goods that come in a wrapper as they can lead to a sugar high followed by the dreaded sugar crash. The same thing goes for other sugar-filled treats, especially those that are chock full of artificial sweeteners (diet sodas, anyone?)

What are your go-to snacks in the workplace? Share them with us in the comments. Stay humble, hustle hard!


Written by Jaie O. The Help

More Productivity Hacks

More Productivity Hacks

A few weeks ago, I ran a series of posts on finding efficient work strategies and discovering productivity hacks. You can read about them here, here, and here.

Here are a few more tips, but this time, the tips are all about mindfulness so that you can find the best hacks that work for you. Let’s proceed.

Find your objective:
Is your goal to reduce your stress while working? Is it to work efficiently within your work hours to avoid overtime? Is it to manage a 4 day work week? Find your goal and focus on that. Clear your mind so that you can find the answers to your questions and write them down. Once you have drilled down to what your main priority is, you can create a plan and tailor your productivity hacks around that.

Manage your energy:
You have to complete step no. 1 to get to this as you would have to be clear on what needs to get done before you can allocate your resources and energy to your tasks.

In this day and age, there are hundreds of things that bid for our attention: phones, noise, social media, the smell (and promise of) food, etc. When you learn to control your attention and focus, you are ready for high performance and productivity. Avoid distractions and time wasters like the plague. Don’t multitask. Create an environment that you love and is conducive to focused work.

Have a system:
Figure out and craft a system that works for you. Start by clearing out your space and getting rid of clutter. I don’t mean just physical clutter like papers and trinkets. I also mean digital clutter. That would entail clearing out your desktop as well. Create organizing and filing systems based on how you work – for example, labelled digital folders, a desk organizer for paper files, cloud storage or portable hard drives for backup files, etc.

Use a calendar or planner to efficiently manage your time. List down no more than 1-3 priorities per week (list more and you’re just going back to square one). Then list down action steps you should take to get those priorities done. Here’s where your to-do list comes in. It’s best to map this out in a planner or calendar at the start of the week.

Stay on task:
There are productivity techniques listed on this blog that can help you stay on task:
The Pomodoro technique
The Get Things Done technique
The Eat the Frog technique
The Action Method
These are just a few of them. Find one that works for you and is the best fit for your productivity goals.

Avoid distractions:
There are a few apps that can help you avoid distractions on your PC, apps that can help you avoid getting lost in cat videos or stalking your ex. This can help you hit those deadlines or finish writing that report.

What productivity hacks work for you? Share them with us in the comments. Stay humble and hustle hard!


Written by Jaie O. The Help

A Message to The Help Team

A Message to The Help Team

Happy New Year!

As we say goodbye to 2014 and welcome 2015, I would like to take this, opportunity to reflect on our accomplishments, on the path we took to arrive to this moment, and on the plans we have for an exciting, fruitful future.

Let me start by telling you how much I appreciate each member of the The Help team! I’m aware we wouldn’t be here today without the contribution and hard work from each and every one.  Thank you!

2014 was a year of growth, change, and transition. We have grown in numbers as a team. We’ve worked lots of hours- weekends, late nights, and for some – putting in double shifts. Flexibility and resilience were tested and we came out better, wiser and more united.

As technology evolves, we have progressed as well. Learning new applications, programs, software, etc. is part of our work, the excitement that feeds our desire to achieve. We transition from one system to another, finding better ways to handle a virtual office efficiently and effectively.  As a front liner in the Virtual Admin Assistance industry, we continuously change and adapt to the ever-changing world of the Internet.

Thank you for bringing in your talents, skills, and fresh ideas to The Help. I see how we transform (large and small) challenges, 24/7, to learning opportunities resulting in excellent deliverables. It is very refreshing to see how supportive we are to each other. Nothing is too big or too small when we work together. Because of our outstanding service, projects, clients, and referrals came in. It is truly a humbling experience to see our clients thrive in their industry, that we assisted in achieving their growth and eventual success. Their success is our success too!

Due to the efforts of our exceptional team, we not only survived the 2014 down economy, we thrived!  We want 2015 to be even more successful for the company and for you.  It’s an incredible feeling to know that when I go out to clients – both existing and potential – the team’s performance speaks for itself. Absolutely no overselling the competency and commitment of my team!

Having worked and built an outstanding reputation for reliability and outstanding performance, The Help is a trusted partner to all our clients.  We want our reputation for excellence to spread in all corners of the world, our goal for 2015!

My door is always open to you.

Thank you for all you do.

   – Astrid S.-