The COVID-19 outbreak has sent most of us on lockdown and self-quarantine with a majority of people working from home. This has made home offices an essential part of most households. Because employees were instructed to work from home, they had to make do with a spare room or an unused table set up in the common areas of the home. Whatever your setup is, enclosed space or common area, these “home offices” are prone to clutter. Even more so because now, all family members are sharing the space at the same time and boundaries are a bit more blurred in the home.
You don’t have to let your workspace slide into entropy and disarray. You can declutter and spruce it up to help boost your concentration and help you become more productive. Here are 3 ways to keep your home office tidy and looking good.
Work Zone Ahead
If you’re lucky enough to already have a separate room you use as a home office, then well and good. However, a lot of people don’t have that luxury. Some even prefer an open-plan kind of workspace, especially those with kids at home, so they can work but at the same time keep an eye out on the kids. Whatever your setup is, it is easier to get into a good workflow if you divide your office into zones with your desk being the main work zone and separate zones for storage (files and office supplies), printing (printer, printing supplies, and copy paper), and taking a break (coffee or tea corner). Zone your desk as well with your laptop or PC front and center, one corner holding your pen, notepad, and phone, and one corner for your spill-proof coffee mug. Everything else can go into drawers. Only keep essential items on your desk.
Wires Hidden Away
Visible wiring creates visual noise. Visual noise makes your workspace feel cluttered and competes with your focus making you feel tired, or worse, unproductive. There are a few ways you can hide your cords and wires away. You can use wire organizers, baskets, cord covers, zip ties (my personal favorite), binder clips, command hooks, staple guns, or even toilet paper rolls. This helps keep your office looking good and clutter-free.
Tidy Up Everyday
Before you wrap up for the day, take 5mins to put everything back in their designated place. Throw away trash and have a regular schedule for taking that trashbin out. Make sure important files are filed away in their proper folders and keep your pen in a holder. Don’t forget to take your coffee mug to the kitchen sink. Taking 5 minutes to clear up your workspace will ensure that it remains tidy and organized.
Do you have any expert tips on how to keep your home office neat and clutter-free? Let us know in the comments. Remember to work smart and be a blessing to someone today. Stay safe and healthy!
Written by Jaie O. TheHelp