The long weekend is over and so are the days of lounging on a recliner chair while binge-watching a recently concluded Netflix series. Even though you wish that the food, fun, and festivities would never end, it’s back to work for most of us.
Going back to work shouldn’t be a dreaded thing. Sure, we all wish the long weekend would draw out longer, but the thought of an exploding inbox and looming work deadlines is enough to make you have anxiety attacks over what is supposed to be a holiday break. You’re supposed to be enjoying the long weekend and not counting down the hours till it’s over.
Here, let me help you ease back into the work week coming from the holiday break. I have 3 tips for you.
Schedule a cushion.
You need some time to ease back into your groove thang. If you can take another day off for a 1-day extension of your holiday break, then do that. If you can’t afford to take an extra day off, then wind down a few hours earlier so you can relax and get your work mindset on. Do something relaxing like taking a long bath or baking a treat. These and similar activities will give you a few hours to chill and take your mind off impending work for a while.
Once you get back to work, don’t dive into a major project right away. Give yourself time to get back into a sense of normalcy. Start with small tasks, then work your way up.
Take yourself back with a souvenir
Avoiding a burnout can be as simple as reminiscing. If you have something to remember your vacation by, then you can take a quick mental break by going back to that place. Pictures, souvenirs, or even scents can take you back to your vacation. You may find that essential and diffuser oils come in handy when taking you back to a place. I have one friend who, whenever she’s on vacation, ask the spa where they’re getting a massage what scent is diffusing in the background and asks to buy a small bottle of it.
Take mini breaks
Do not go into full beast mode at work right after you get back from break. If you’re the boss, nobody likes a slave driver. If you’re an employee, you’re going to work yourself to the ground and face a burnout. Like I said earlier, the trick is to ease into it slowly. People don’t expect you to be caught up in one day. Take mini breaks. Ask around for updates on existing projects. Ask about news on pipeline projects. Get as much information and updates as you can before you die head first into work.
What about you? What are your tips for easing back into work from a vacation? We’d love for you to share them with us in the comments. Remember to stay humble and hustle hard.
Written by Jaie O. The Help