We often think of fun as the opposite of work. In fact, we think of fun as a pleasant distraction from work. However, fun has many real life benefits which include better mental health, healthier body, and, won’t you know it, success!
Have you heard of the Happiness Paradox? The Happiness Paradox states that “when people try hard to be happy — when they make feeling happy a goal — their well-being tends to suffer for it.” So, if deliberating chasing after happiness makes a person miserable instead, what should the person do? Why turn to fun, of course!
Unlike happiness, fun is not a subjective condition that results from correctly aligned circumstances (e.g. when I get the job, when I have more time, when I earn more money, etc.). Fun is something that you can engage in anywhere and at any time.
Fun and play is linked with less fatigue, less burnout, a boost in empathy and EQ, accelerated learning. More engagement, and creativity. Studies also show that people who have more fun live an average of eight years longer than their more serious counterparts. Do you want to reap all of these benefits? Well here are some tips to attract more fun into your life:
1. Be easy to laugh
Some people wear seriousness like a badge of honor. They would know a joke if it hit them in the face. Don’t be that poker faced person. Be easy to laugh. How? Find more things to laugh about. Look for funny things and more moments to laugh. The more you find those fun moments, the easier it gets to find more. Bonus point: the easier you are to laugh, the more attractive you are to other people and to more moments of fun. It’s a win-win cycle!
2. Instead of “Yes but”, say “Yes and…”
This is an improv tip that gets used a lot in comedy and creativity training. What it is: it’s greeting new ideas with positivity (‘YES”) and generating new ideas of your own (“AND”). Why it works: it works because you don’t shoot an idea down on the onset, and instead accept, affirm and build on it. It opens you up to creativity and encourages possibilities.
3. Send out the signals
Each signal is unique to everyone. The simple act of a smile, making a point to look up from your phone and act like you’re noticing the world for the first time, a “silver lining” line (“good time to practice for the marathon” [while you’re in a traffic jam]), or a simple happy dance can signal that you’re up for some fun. Not only do you send out signals to whomever you’re with that you’re off to banter or do something less mundane and more playful you also send a signal out to the universe to send you more opportunities to have a laugh.
With these tips, you’ll be a fun magnet in no time. What are your fun attracting tips? Share them with us in the comments. Remember to work smart and be a blessing to someone today. Stay safe and healthy!
Written by Jaie O. TheHelp