We all get a bad case of the nerves sometimes. I’d say, probably just before a presentation, an interview, or a public speaking engagement, is when you need a sudden boost of confidence the most. While confidence is a really great personality trait to have, we don’t need this superpower all the time. But it’s great to know that you have it when the situation calls for it. So here are 5 tips to boost your confidence on days when you really need it.
Be your own hype man.
According to Wikipedia “a hype man/hype gall, in hip hop music and rapping, is a backup rapper and/or singer who supports the primary rappers with exclamations and interjections and who attempts to increase the audience’s excitement with call-and-response chants [1]”. That’s how you should talk to yourself. No, seriously. Talk to yourself in your head (or out loud if you want to). Tell yourself that you’ve got this! You’ll do great at this presentation! You’ll nail this report! You’ll give an awesome and empowering speech! You need these validations in order to get yourself into a more confident state of mind. Whatever you do, avoid the negative talk.
Be conscious of your body language
Do a power pose before a presentation or a speech. You know how superheroes have their hands on their hips, their feet apart and their chest out as they proclaim that they’re here to save the day? Do your own power pose. When you walk up to the front, have confident and steady strides. Don’t slouch. Keep your posture proper and your head held up. Get some tips from Amy Cuddy’s Ted Talk on Power Posing. Stand tall and smile.
Imagine your audience
Take a look at your audience and imagine what they’re like. We fear being judged more so than we fear to give a bad presentation. But if you think about it, most of the time your audience reserves any judgment until after you finish your presentation. People are usually friendly and respect others who step out of their comfort zones. They are not the ones holding you back, you are.
Visualize the end
Imagine people clapping after you give your speech. Imagine yourself celebrating for a job well done. Imagine your audience learning something new from the report you just gave. Imagine the most optimum results that you can get and keep that thought in your head. It will give you the confidence to get through the presentation.
Come prepared
This is probably the most important step of them all. 100% of the time, lack of confidence stems from being unprepared. Being armed with skills, knowledge, and expertise to back you up is the best way to feel confident. When you know that you have mastered your speech or your presentation and that you can answer any question thrown your way, you know you’ve got this!
What is your confidence boosting tips? Share them with us in the comments. Stay humble and hustle hard.
Written by Jaie O. The Help