How to Beat Work From Home (WFH) Fatigue

How to Beat Work From Home (WFH) Fatigue

Working from home sounded like a dream initially, right? Pajamas all day, no commuting, and that comfortable environment. But as days turned into weeks and months, you might have found yourself grappling with something unexpected—Work From Home (WFH) Fatigue.

What Exactly is WFH Fatigue?

WFH fatigue is the weariness that creeps in due to the prolonged remote work setup. It’s a cocktail of exhaustion from the monotony of home-based work, the lack of physical boundaries between personal and professional life, and the perpetual use of digital devices.

There are several signs and symptoms of WFH fatigue. Learn more about them here.

If you’ve answered ‘yes’ to a few or all of the questions, then you might be experiencing WFH fatigue. We might be able to help with that. 

Here are 10 ways to combat WFH Fatigue:

1. Set Boundaries

Establish a dedicated workspace to create a mental divide between work and personal life. For instance, convert a corner of your room into an office and only use it for work. Jennifer, a marketing professional, uses a room divider to create a physical barrier between her workspace and living area.

2. Stick to a Schedule

Maintain a routine to delineate work hours. Start and finish work at the same time every day to maintain a sense of structure. Tom, a software developer, follows a strict schedule and takes regular breaks to stretch and unwind.

3. Take Breaks

Don’t forget to take short breaks. Get up, stretch, or take a walk to refresh your mind. Sarah, a writer, takes a 10-minute break every hour, practicing yoga or simply walking around her block to rejuvenate.

4. Exercise Regularly

Physical activity is a great fatigue buster. Incorporate regular exercise into your routine to boost energy levels. Michael, a designer, engages in morning workouts before starting work to kickstart his day with vigor.

5. Virtual Watercooler Moments

Stay connected with colleagues. Set up virtual coffee breaks or happy hours to maintain social interactions. Emily, a project manager, hosts a weekly virtual lunch session where team members catch up on non-work-related chats.

6. Declutter Your Workspace

A clean and organized workspace can positively impact your productivity and mental clarity. David, a financial analyst, declutters his desk at the end of each day to start fresh the next morning.

7. Set Realistic Goals

Break tasks into smaller, achievable goals to avoid feeling overwhelmed by the workload. Maria, a content creator, sets daily goals and rewards herself upon completion, maintaining motivation.

8. Limit Screen Time

Constantly staring at screens can lead to eye strain and mental fatigue. Take regular screen breaks. Chris, a customer support executive, uses the Pomodoro technique, working in focused bursts with short breaks in between.

9. Seek Support

Don’t hesitate to talk about WFH challenges with your employer or colleagues. They might offer solutions or support. John, a sales representative, regularly communicates with his manager about any WFH-related difficulties.

10. Disconnect and Unwind

Create a clear boundary between work and personal time by turning off work-related notifications after work hours. Amy, a consultant, sets her work apps to snooze mode after 6 PM to unwind and recharge.

WFH fatigue is a common struggle, but with a few adjustments to your routine and environment, it’s possible to reclaim energy and enthusiasm for your remote work life. Experiment with these tips and find what works best for you. Remember, a healthy work-life balance is the key to thriving in a remote work setup. What are your tips to combat WFH fatigue? Share them with us in the comments. Remember to work smart and be a blessing to someone today. Stay safe and healthy!

Written by Jaie O. TheHelp