How To Climb Up The Career Ladder

How To Climb Up The Career Ladder

When getting started – in a career or a new company – most people start from an entry-level position. A lot of professionals think that it is best to skip this stage, but this is actually the perfect position to learn about the key insights of the industry, the inner workings of the company, and where you want to go in your career.

At some point in your career, you would feel that you have gained enough knowledge in order to advance to a higher role. What steps should you take in order to advance up the career ladder?

Gain clarity on how you want to advance in your career.

A promotion for the sake of career advancement is not a sustainable model for success. You might find out too late that you are not fit for the role or that you are on a career path that is not aligned with your goals. For example, a promotion to Operations Team Leader is not going to fit with a career goal of becoming a Training director. So, when you start planning your career path, you should be crystal clear about how you want to advance. Ask yourself what roles and responsibilities you enjoy working on. What are the other things you want to explore, career-wise? What does career advancement in that direction look like? Career advancement is unique to every company. Different leaders will look for different things. So, enlist the help of your manager or boss and ask for some pointers on what you can do to advance your career. What skills and capabilities do they think are important to being successful within the organization? Ask the people who have the power to help you advance your career about what they are looking for and work on developing those skills. The clearer your path to progress is, the easier it is to take the steps towards career advancement.

Build your network.

Build a network within and outside your organization. This will ensure that you won’t miss any opportunities for advancement. Your network will keep you informed about openings, industry insider information, and company news that might help you advance in the career ladder. Cultivate a healthy network.

Go beyond what is expected.

Doing the bare minimum when you want to progress in your career won’t cut it. You have to shine in your current role in order for management to notice you and open up doors to career advancement. Do this with a positive attitude and a happy outlook. Management is more likely to promote people who show enthusiasm for their work. When you consistently perform well and exceed expectations, you are ensuring that your name will come up on the list of people who can be counted on for more responsibilities and, therefore, ready for a more senior position.  

Do you have any career advancement tips? Share them with us in the comments. Remember to work smart and be a blessing to someone today. Stay safe and healthy!

Written by Jaie O. TheHelp