The holidays are coming up – weekends are filling up with errands, get-togethers, and holiday prep. On top of that, we still have work to finish, family to take care of, and responsibilities to attend to. It’s no wonder our brains are going a mile a minute. With all the worries and to-do’s buzzing around in our head, it could be hard to get some quality sleep.
We all know the benefits of having a good night’s sleep. Not only does it guarantee more energy in the morning to be able to do productive things it also ensures that our body recovers from the rigors of the day AND helps keep our immune system at optimal work level.
Here are five sure-fire ways you can help yourself get better and more restful sleep:
- Make the time: The most common mistake for a lot of people is falling to set aside 8 hours of sleep PLUS the time to prepare for it. Imagine this, it takes you an hour to 2 hours to get yourself ready for bed. If you plan to sleep at 10pm and wake up at 6, you have to be knocked out by exactly 10pm to get the full 8 hours of rest. Don’t forget to incorporate prep time in the mix. Give yourself at least a full hour to prepare for the restful sleep you so rightfully deserve.
- Stay away from screens: Are you guilty of reaching for your phone if you can’t sleep? OR using your phone minutes before bedtime? Gadgets emit blue light that disrupt our sleeping patterns. Not to mention, social media is designed to stimulate the brain and capture your attention for as long as possible. If you plan on getting a good night’s rest, avoid the gadgets.
- Avoid naps: The exception is a micro-nap, which is a 10-15 minute nap in the mid afternoon. But naps that go for longer than 15 minutes have a huge impact on how sleepy you feel and how ready you are to fall asleep at the end of the day.
- Watch what you eat and drink: don’t go to bed hungry but don’t go to bed too full either. Avoid drinking caffeinated drinks after 3pm if you plan to be asleep at 10pm. Limit your liquid intake a few hours before bedtime so that you don’t wake up in the middle of the night because you need to pee.
- Practice good sleep hygiene: invest in things that contribute to getting a good night’s rest – a nice firm mattress, comfy pillows, clean, soft sheets, some lavender-scented things, an eye mask, or even ambient sounds. Do whatever works for you.
We should all strive to get the sleep we deserve. And we deserve sleep that is restful and rejuvenating. What are the splendid sleep tips and habits that work for you? Share them with us in the comments. Remember to work smart and be a blessing to someone today. Stay safe and healthy!
Written by Jaie O. TheHelp