How To Snooze Peacefully on a Plane

How To Snooze Peacefully on a Plane

This is the last of a 4 part series on traveling tips to ensure your comfort on long haul flights. Read the first part here, the second part here, and the third part here.

We all love the thrill of long-haul flights, but let’s face it—getting a good night’s sleep on an airplane can sometimes feel like a mythical quest. No worries, though! I’ve got your back with five handy tips to catch some Z’s and make the most out of your journey. So, buckle up, sit back, and let’s dive into dreamland!

Choose Your Seat Wisely:
First things first, picking the right seat can make all the difference. If you’re one of those lucky folks who can afford it, consider splurging on a cozy business or first-class seat. But, if you’re like the rest of us, aim for an aisle seat for more legroom and easy bathroom access. Pro tip: Opt for seats near the wings, as it tends to be less bumpy there.

Gear Up with Comfort:
Now that you’ve got your spot secured, it’s time to equip yourself for the slumber party. Pack a travel pillow that supports your neck, ensuring you don’t wake up feeling like you’ve wrestled with a wild kangaroo. An eye mask and noise-canceling headphones are also a must. They’ll whisk you away to dreamland, even amidst the hustle and bustle of the cabin.

Dress the Sleep Part:
Comfortable clothing is the magical ingredient for a restful journey. Forget the fancy attire and opt for loose, breathable layers. Wearing cozy socks will keep your feet warm, and we all know warm feet equal happy dreams! If you’re sensitive to temperature changes, have a lightweight blanket or shawl on hand too.

Mind Your Sleep Schedule:
Try to align your sleep schedule with your destination’s time zone, even before you board the plane. This might involve staying up a bit later or adjusting your sleep routine a few days prior to your trip. Once onboard, set your watch to your destination’s time and trick your mind into believing you’re already there.

Hydrate and Snooze-nate:
Stay hydrated, my friends! Sip on water throughout the flight, as the dry cabin air can be quite dehydrating. However, try to reduce liquid intake a couple of hours before your planned sleep time to avoid frequent trips to the bathroom. As for snacks, opt for light and easy-to-digest treats. Avoid heavy meals or caffeine, especially if you plan to doze off.

Bonus Tip: Stretch and Move:
Okay, I know I promised you five tips, but here’s a bonus one, because I’m feeling generous. Stretch and move around during the flight. Sitting for extended periods can make you feel stiff and restless, making it harder to sleep. Get up, walk around the cabin, do some simple stretches at your seat—anything to keep your blood flowing and muscles happy.

So there you have it, your ultimate guide to conquering the airplane sleep struggle. Remember, each of us is different, and what works for one might not work for another. Be patient and give yourself some grace—it might take a few flights to find your perfect sleep formula.

What’s your go-to sleep tip for fellow jetsetters? Share them with us in the comments. Remember to work smart and be a blessing to someone today. Happy travels, and may your dreams be as epic as your journey! Bon voyage!

Written by Jaie O. TheHelp