How to stick to your New Year’s Resolutions

How to stick to your New Year’s Resolutions

Everyone loves making new year’s resolutions. It’s like giving ourselves a clean slate and allowing ourselves a do-over of last year’s goals and ambitions. We know we can start working on our goals anytime, but the ring of the New Year just gives it more of an attestation that we are seriously leaving the past behind and starting fresh.

New year’s leave us hopeful. But new year’s resolutions are notoriously hard to keep. Statistics show that people fail to stick to their resolutions as early as February. Half of the total number of people who make them are not even confident they would be able to stick to those resolutions at all.

So how do you achieve your new year’s resolutions? Here are a few tips:

Make it specific:
Instead of saying I want to be better at my job, you can instead say that you are aiming for a promotion to (insert job position here). The first mistake of those who fail to keep their resolutions is setting a general goal. It must be clear in your mind and better yet, on paper. So, I suggest you write down your goals and list a few things underneath it that can help you achieve said goal. While “get a promotion” seems like a good motivational mantra, it won’t help you get direction.

Make it measurable:
Making measurable goals can help you see how far you’ve progressed. So, if you plan on bagging a promotion, you should tailor your goals with milestones in mind. For example, learn three specific skills needed for the position before mid-year evaluations. It helps you manage your expectations and set your path. “Sign up for online classes” already seems specific but “complete one online class per 2 months” makes it more manageable.

Make it attainable:
Now that you’ve already drawn out your plans and have broken them down into measurable pieces, how do you make them attainable? Write down your plans on how you can realistically make your goals happen. For example, you can say, “I will read up on industry news during my daily commute to work” or I will read class materials for 1 hour each night.

Make it exciting:
At some point, you’d be distracted or bored of your goals. Try to set milestones and equivalent rewards for reaching those milestones. As with the previous example, you can maybe treat yourself out to a fancy dinner once you’ve completed a course. Or maybe you can host a mini “graduation party” each time you complete an online class.

Make yourself accountable:
Write your goals somewhere you can see it and be constantly reminded of what you’re working towards. The first page of your planner perhaps, in big, fancy, bold letters. Or keep it on your desk or taped to the fridge. Tell a close friend or family member and hold yourself accountable for working towards that goal.

What are your tips on how to keep your new year’s resolutions? Share them with us in the comments. Always remember to stay humble and hustle hard!


Written by Jaie O. The Help