I see parenting websites and social media accounts filled with pictures of toddlers sitting compliantly on their parent’s lap while the parent is joyfully working on a laptop. That is not what most households look like, especially with kids staying home in lockdown.
All around the world, schools are closed to reduce the spread of the Covid-19 coronavirus. However, not all classes have been cancelled. Parents now share bandwidth with kids who have their own online conference calls with their teachers. Printers are constantly running with daily printouts of school work. School and home life have now blended into each other. Lunch breaks are a big event. Kids need constant supervision, and all hands are on deck.
Work from home parents find it harder to maintain a work-life balance when kids are taking over their lives 24/7. At least there was some respite when the kids were still physically going to school. Now, every day feels like Monday for some parents.
To avoid going crazy and putting one of your kids in the oven, here are some tips to survive working from home with kids:
Lay the ground rules
Talk to your children and manage their expectations. Explain the changes that are happening and how they can help make the situation easier. Make sure they understand that the situation may last for a while and that you need their patience, understanding, and cooperation.
Set “office hours”
You need to create a schedule and communicate that to your family as well as your colleagues. You need a schedule in order to minimize disruptions. Capitalize on nap times and hours when kids are busy coloring or doing schoolwork. Schedule to do your deep work or make/return calls during that time.
Give your kids activities
Schedule a time during the day when you can do some activities with the kids. Give them recreational tasks during this time like putting together a jigsaw puzzle, painting, coloring, drawing, creating figures with clay, etc. Spending quality time with them gives them something to look forward to, and they will be less likely to disrupt you while you’re working.
Have a designated workspace
Ideally, this designated workspace should have a door to keep people out. But a lot of parents prefer to work where they can still keep an eye on their children. So, whatever workspace you decide on, be sure to communicate to your family that this space is your “office” space and that when you are in this space, you should not be disturbed.
Ask for help
You and your spouse should take turns watching over the kids. Work out a schedule so that each of you can spend time with the kids while the other gets some work done, then switch places. If you have other family members in lockdown with you (older children, your own parents, older relative, etc.) who can watch the kids for a while, you can also ask them to watch the younger ones so that you can get some work done.
What tips do you have for work from home parents? Let us know in the comments. Remember to work smart and be a blessing to someone today. Stay safe and healthy!
Written by Jaie O. TheHelp