Misconceptions on Virtual Assistants

Misconceptions on Virtual Assistants

super-va-debunkedFor a time, the now well entrenched virtual assistance industry suffered from some misconceptions. According to dictionary.reference.com, misconception is a mistaken notion. What are some of the misconceptions heaped on virtual assistants professionals?

The first is the mistaken idea that virtual assistants are not efficient. Although VAs sometimes work in their pajamas, they perform as well if not better than peers in an actual office. Streamlined companies rely on virtual assistants since they create company savings in many ways such as minimizing fixed costs, for example, on computer equipment.

Prospective clients and the general public have the impression that virtual assistants are expensive. In fact, VA’s are paid based on a pre-agreed rate that may change when they prove to be reliable. They’re affordable because benefits and workspace are not provided.

Another misconception is that VAs cannot be trusted with confidential information. However, VAs take pride in their trustworthiness, a trait needed in both the virtual and actual workplaces. Both small business and well-oiled corporations need additional help in operations, where confidentiality is a must.

Over the years, these misconceptions have been debunked through the hard work of industry pioneers. Former secretaries morphed into General VAs, SEO/Web Marketers, Web Developers, Graphic Designers, Content Writers, Video Editors, and Mobile App Developer VA. Because hiring a VA implies major savings on equipment, location, and benefits, many small businesses contracts with one who can handle many if not all aspects of operations.

All in all, the gradual growth of the virtual industry has given entry-level jobs to recent college graduates. It also allowed small businesses to flourish because owners and managers have free and available chunks of time to grow their businesses.

Misconceptions can deter some would-be virtual assistants from pursuing a career in the field. Over time, however, efficient and hard work will erase mistaken ideas about virtual assistants.

Written by Yoli P.- The Help