New year, new you – isn’t that how the saying goes? Why do we make new year’s resolutions? Why this particular date? New Year’s day is a universal reset point for almost everyone in the world. Hear that – universal! That means it can stand true anywhere you are in the world.
Sure, you can start your keto diet or your masterclasses on some random date, say Aug 18, 2023. But for a lot of us, the new year brings in a clean slate and everyone can start anew. It’s like a reset button that comes every year! So instead of picking some random date to start their newest endeavor, the consensus is to do it on a new year’s day, the first day of the first month – there’s no better starting point.
Why do we set new year’s resolutions anyway? And why is keeping them important to our wellbeing? Here are 3 reasons:
1. Aspiration
Setting New Year’s resolutions helps you create the person you aspire to be. This means there will be a lot of self reflection involved in creating your resolutions. We take stock of our lives and carefully look for areas where we want to improve and – to use an often quoted mantra – be a better version of yourself. For example, if your New Year’s resolution is to become smarter – then a goal of reading 1 book a month makes practical sense.
2. Stability
New Year’s resolutions can become the kick off point for guiding your decisions and helping you focus. For example, if you vow to lose 10 pounds by March – then this goal can guide you to make healthier food choices or to exercise more. Your goals can also help you focus on what matters to you. For example, if your goal is to read more, then it makes more sense to spend your down time picking up a book and diving into it instead of browsing through Netflix for another binge-worthy series that could take up your time during the weekends.
3. Drive
New Year’s resolutions can help you with motivation. How many of us have said to ourselves that we were going to reduce our carbs intake but then found ourselves binge-ing on mac n cheese in front of the TV? Raise your hand. I’m right there with you. Setting goals for yourself for the new year not only helps you with what you aspire to be and helps create a clear path for living your life this year, it also helps drive you to reach your goals. For example, if you’re dead-set on saving for international travel – then impulse buys and unnecessary spending will have to take a back seat.
See, New Year’s resolutions don’t deserve the flack they’re getting. Jump on the bandwagon and make that list if you haven’t already. Vow to be healthier, happier and more successful this year. Share your resolutions with us in the comments (only if you want to). Remember to work smart and be a blessing to someone today. Stay safe and healthy!
Written by Jaie O. TheHelp