On Being Positive

On Being Positive

stay-positive-in-a-stressful-worldEven with just seeing the mathematical plus symbol, we get a good vibe. Plus sums up stuff like monies, number of employees, as well as accomplishments. The idea of being positive is often equated with optimism. But being positive or optimism alone does not necessarily bring tangible results in daily life. Many believe in positive thinking and taking action that result in achieving goals. However, an optimistic person could also be a procrastinator implying that a positive mindset must come with a large dose of determination. The combination of positive thinking and action can bring a boatload of satisfaction and joy.

How do we create a positive mindset that becomes part of us, in our personal and professional lives? Researchers suggest that meditation, journaling, and relaxation are three of the best ways to maintain optimism or positive thinking.

From my experience of meditating, twice a day, in the last 25 years, I can say that its benefits truly outweigh any other practice. It is a practice “in which the mind is trained or induced to a level of consciousness, to achieve a benefit or as an end in itself” (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Meditation).

For example, focusing the mind on a particular challenge during meditation can bring up possible solutions to a job search problem. Someone recently laid off might recall that teaching was an interesting career option soon after college graduation. S/he might rekindle the interest, opening a path in tutoring with concentration on special needs children. Meditation opens up the mind to possibilities that may have been disregarded.

Leaving negative thoughts and ideas somewhere instead of verbalizing these to anyone prevents the spread of negativity. Writing about what steps to take to move closer to one’s goals can generate a sense of progress and that plans are slowly implemented. Writing brings up fresh ideas. This is where journaling comes in. The act of putting in writing one’s positive view of the future for family and career can ease the challenges one is confronted with.

Last but not least, include relaxation time in one’s life to insure healthy and balanced mental functions. Stress has a way of taking over, spilling into all aspects of activities. Children become irritating, husband unnerves wife, and bills are unmet. It is even more important to be positive during stressful times.

There’s a saying that behind every dark cloud is a silver lining. Because positive thinking is the silver lining, it is imperative to relax, write down good thoughts, and meditate to overcome negatives, whether ideas or people that may erode our determination to have positive thinking become part of who we are.

Written by Yoli P.- The Help