On Responsiveness

On Responsiveness

upgrade-logoThe word responsive, according to the Online Free Dictionary (http://www.thefreedictionary.com/), means the quick or favorable reaction to a suggestion or an initiative. By inference, responsiveness would be a trait in an individual or an employee, the ability to recognize and engage with people and clients’ changing demands. It could also mean that a worker listens and gets input from colleagues, building from their ideas while giving credit where it is due.

A responsive workforce can satisfy customers, which translates to repeat business for the company. Responsiveness also means being proactive such as introducing client-oriented projects by conducting surveys on buying trends or one that addresses complaints relative to company delivery of services. Certain policies can be modified, on a case-by-case basis, to suit clients’ needs such as adjusting hours of operations.

In the work environment, collaboration, empathy, and being proactive are the basics to becoming a responsive worker. From these starting point, one who is attentive to a client’s request for assistance such as in the use of recently purchased software will go a long way. Walking the client through the steps in software use and making an effort to remain pleasant at all times can ease the difficult experience, for example. The same client will have a positive impression of the company and will certainly feel that she is valued.

Remarkably, customers can have a high tolerance for businesses that pay attention to their problems. Showing appreciation by creating an electronic newsletter, one that chronicles solutions to frequently asked questions would keep customers connected to the company.

Being responsive implies awareness that clients are the reasons for the business to continue improving and streamlining its processes towards satisfying customers’ needs. It is also important to keep in mind that the qualities of teamwork, initiative, and active listening are the stepping-stones towards positive internal relationships resulting in a synergy between the company and its clients.

Written by Yoli P.- The Help