The global pandemic has all of us on edge and facing stress and uncertainty. Many of us are cooped up at home, only sporadically going out to get supplies or other essentials. Many who are new to the working from home environment might start to feel “cabin fever as the social isolation is starting to set in.
What are the vest coping strategies to cope with this period of isolation? Here are a few tips:
Stick to a schedule.
Even though you are at home, there has to be some structure to your day. Block off a regular time slot for work and for personal self-care activities like exercise and relaxation. Start the day with a routine. Your day might start by doing some light exercise, doing some meditation, eating breakfast, and taking a shower. Resist the temptation to work in your pajamas and put effort into dressing up for work.
Stay active, move!
Speaking of doing some light exercise try to stay active while doing self-quarantine. Not everyone has a treadmill at home, and you’re lucky if you have one or any form of exercise machine at home. However, you can always go to youtube for exercise inspiration that would not require any exercise equipment. Some exercise uses bodyweight instead of specialized equipment. You can even improvise by using ordinary household items, like water bottles or cans, instead of weights.
Stay connected.
The only way to combat isolation is to stay connected. Although you won’t be able to visit friends or family during these times, you can always use technology to keep in touch. Call a friend and ask them how they are doing. Call your parents and ask if they need anything. Teach your older friends or family members to use video conferencing services. That in itself is a fun activity and is bound to make everyone laugh. Have text or instant messaging breaks in a day. Respond to social media posts or posts your own insights or funny/inspirational pictures.
Self-care, always.
Create a list of go-to self-care activities that you know are sure to lift your spirits. This will be your go-to list for the bad days or even when you just need a quick pick me up. Master a recipe or explore a new one. Play with your pets. Take a long hot bath. Start a new book. Learn to knit or sew. Create things with your hands. Start a writing project or an art project. Make like Marie Kondo and clean out your closet. Start a jigsaw puzzle. Do yoga. Watch a funny series or some kid’s cartoons. Find ways to keep yourself occupied or embrace alone time. Whatever your go-to self-care activity is, always show compassion and kindness for yourself. We are all experiencing anxiety to some degree. Know that you are not alone in this.
What are your tips on how to combat the feeling of isolation? Let us know in the comments. Remember to work smart and be a blessing to someone today. Stay safe and healthy!
Written by Jaie O. TheHelp