Start a Hobby

Start a Hobby

It’s the last month of 2018 and we’re all winding down for the year. In the last few weeks of 2018, we’re all starting to get into the holiday’s mindset, planning food, making travel arrangements, and wrapping gifts. Hopefully, we’ve added a few new things to our arsenal of knowledge and experiences, met new people, made new friends, learned a lot of new things. On my new year list would be to learn a few more in order to shake things up a bit. What better time to start a new year than by planning things now.

Starting a new hobby can be daunting – especially if you suck at hobbies. How do you suck at hobbies, you ask? It’s when you start something and then just leave things unfinished or quit in the middle of a project (adult coloring books anyone?) That’s ok, maybe you haven’t found the hobby that’ll hold your interest yet. The key is to try things out and stick to the things you like.

Here are a few suggestions if you want to start learning something new for the new year.

One of the most important skills to learn is how to feed yourself. Nobody can subsist on take-out and microwaveable food forever. At some point in your adult life, you’re going to have to learn how to make food. Start with simple dishes like pasta or salads. The site called 4 Ingredients have recipes for food that only calls for 4…you guessed it…4 ingredients. Pick one and get started. You can move on to more complicated dishes once you’ve mastered a few simple ones.

Embroidery, cross stitching, crocheting, and knitting are some of the best hobbies involving needlecraft. Studies have shown that knitting can reduce anxiety, depression, chronic pain, and slow down the onset of dementia. According to the findings “the repetitive movements required to create a pattern release calming serotonin, which can lift moods and dull pain. So take up any one of these hobbies if you’re looking to reduce stress and anxiety. In the process, you can create something beautiful.

Exercise is a must, but if you have to make it fun, turn it into a hobby. My friends are very much into the fitness passes type of memberships where you buy a fitness pass to a network of gyms and try out different classes that range from yoga to boxing. This is fun for people who get bored of regular workouts or those who constantly need to do something different every time. You just have to check out the workout classes that are available in your area. It’s very convenient. Try a few classes in barre pilates, cycling, rowing, boxing, or even pole dancing. Then you can stick to the ones you like best.

What hobbies do you plan on taking up for next year? We’d love to hear them. Share them with us in the comments. Stay humble and hustle hard.


Written by Jaie O. The Help

Do these now and be ready for the holidays

Do these now and be ready for the holidays

The holidays are near…so near..oh wait, it’s here! Would you look at that? Not so long ago we’ve been vowing all over social media that 2018 will be our year. Now, it’s almost over – just one more month to go and we’ll be declaring 2019 to be our year.

December is a bonus month. Before the second week rolls around we’re already on vacation mode – off to parties, holiday prep, and travel planning. Our minds are off work and are looking forward to celebrations and family gatherings.

Pre-planning helps you prevent being one of those people who haven’t planned their holidays and are buying last minute gifts in a frenzy. It can also help you avoid unnecessary costs since somehow, prices are jacked up closer to the holidays: plane tickets, hotel bookings, Christmas themed food items, kitschy gifts, even baked goods.

So before you get caught up in the hustle and bustle surrounding the holidays, here’s a quick checklist of things to do to get yourself ready for the holiday season. If you start early, you can still avoid the Christmas rush!

Things to do at work before you leave for the holidays

❏ Make sure that your projects are on track – work on your priority projects first but don’t drop the ball on your other projects.
❏ File for a leave – let them know how long you’ll be gone and when you’re expected back
❏ Delegate work and make it clear who’s leading the team while you’re gone. Designate a POC (Point of Contact person) who can answer work questions for you.
❏ Decide who gets your contact number – tip: not everyone should have it. Remember, no one wants to be bothered while on vacation. The less people know your contact number, the more you can enjoy your holiday.

Things to do if you’re traveling for the holidays

❏ Decide where you’re going to stay: hotel, Airbnb, staying with family?
❏ Book your accommodations well before the expected arrival date – will save you on cost and is less stressful than trying to book closer to the date.
❏ Check your car, supplies, gear, tickets, passport, etc.
❏ You might want to arrange for a pet or house sitter.
❏ Don’t forget your utility bills!

Things to do for Family, Friends and You

❏ Get Christmas gifts and host gifts if you’re staying in someone’s home.
❏ Check your budget – you don’t want to blow all your money on one holiday.
❏ Think about what food you want to prepare for Christmas and New Year. Don’t try to make everything yourself. Store bought is ok.

How do you prepare for the holidays? What other items do you think should be on this checklist? Share them with us in the comments. Stay humble, hustle hard.


Written by Jaie O. The Help

Start Saving with These

Start Saving with These

Last week, we talked about some activities or things that you can evaluate closely to see if they are unnecessary expenses that you can stop spending on. Let’s take a look at the same ones from last week to see what we can do to save money.

Eating out
One of the money leaks I discussed last week is eating out. There are a couple of items that you can invest in to help you save more money in the long run.

Meal prep containers – packing your own lunch can save you at least $50 per week, and you only spend a fraction of what it cost to eat out. Plus, you’re sure about what goes into your food. It’s a chance to eat healthier and save money as well. Get one that has partitions so you can see portion sizes and pack different kinds of food.
Lunchbox – get a thermal one that keeps cold food cold.
Thermos – soups and sandwiches are a great lunch combo. Make sure your soups remain hot by putting it in a small thermos.
Insulated coffee mug – making your own coffee is cheap and easy. Buy a big bag of beans that you can grind and brew yourself. You can customize it with cinnamon, flavored syrups, chocolate powder, or vanilla to copy those expensive designer coffees.
Reusable water bottle – Please get yourself a water bottle. Not only is it good for the environment, but it also helps you save money on an unnecessary purchase. You can refill it from the office water cooler anytime and take it anywhere just like that expensive bottled water.
Brita pitcher – I get it. You’re not confident about the water from the tap. An easy fix is getting yourself a filtration device for the house. If that’s not an option, get a Brita filter or some other filter that’s within your budget. Pitcher filters are easy, just refill from the tap and stick it in the fridge for cold filtered water anytime.

Subscriptions and memberships

Antenna – do you still have a cable subscription? What do you need that for if you already have streaming subscriptions? Get a tv antenna so that you can access your local channels. While you’re at it, cut your streaming subscriptions to one, max!

Prepared food

Slow cooker – for all of you ho have a meal subscription or a diet/meal plan app, cancel your subscription now. Pinterest has a lot of recipes that you can copy. Choose a recipe and make your own food! I found hundreds of slow cooker recipes on the internet that takes minimal prep and zero cooking skills. Most of them are chop and throw in kind fo recipes. All you have to do is peel, chop, and throw everything into the slow cooker, turn it on and go to sleep. You’ll wake up with food ready the next morning. Take it to work and impress your co-workers with your newfound cooking prowess!

What other items do you think should be on this list? Share them with us in the comments. Stay humble, hustle hard.


Written by Jaie O. The Help

Stop Spending on These

Stop Spending on These

When we’re this close to the holidays, we have to be mindful of where we spend our money because every cent counts. Holidays are expensive events. We have to think about gifts, decorations, travel, food, and don’t forget incidental expenses that we incur along the way.

It’s no fun putting yourself on a financial diet and being a scrooge doesn’t make you a favorite person to be around either. So strike a careful balance about where you’re spending and which things are ok to spend a little on. Here are a few things that you can take a closer look at to see if you can stop needless spending on them.

Eating out
For people who are trying to save money, the first thing they cut off is their expensive designer coffee habit. Foregoing a daily trip to your favorite coffee shop can save you some major bucks at the end of the month.

Eating out is a good way to socialize at work or catch up with friends. Celebrating an occasion is also one of the main reasons why we eat out. There is nothing wrong with that, but when you’re eating out 5 times a week every day for lunch and then 5 times a week every day to hang out with friends for dinner, you’re leaking money. Try bringing your own lunch or making your own coffee and see how much you can save in a month.

Subscriptions and memberships
Got a gym membership that you signed up for in January but have visited exactly 4 times? Do you have subscriptions to 3 different streaming services? Are you paying for a diet coach app that you rarely use? Take a good hard look at the things you have signed up for that automatically renews each month. I’m pretty sure you’ll find a few apps or services, or memberships here and there that you rarely use. Get rid of those and see how much you can save in a month.

Prepared food
Ok, I’m guilty of this. I like buying cheese slices and pre-made burgers. I like salad kits and juice boxes. They’re easy, convenient…and a whole lot more expensive. But then I discovered that I could make a dozen burgers with the same amount of money it costs to buy 4 perfectly formed pre-made patties. Get a killer recipe off the internet and try making your own food. It’s so easy to take an extra step to slice, dice, and it takes very minimal effort but extra huge savings. Pre-cut food costs 50% more. So cut AND MAKE your own food and see how much you can save in a month.

Bottled water
Ok, first of all, this is no longer a saving issue but an environmental issue. Those bottles could liter the streets, clog the sewers and would somehow end up in the ocean. So, please, be responsible and stop buying bottled water. If you’re not confident about the water coming from your tap, invest in a Brita filter or some sort of filtration system for your tap. Let me get back to the topic. So ok, bottled water is an unnecessary expense. Stop buying bottled water and see how much you can save in a month.

What other things can you stop spending on to save money? Share them with us in the comments. Stay humble, hustle hard!


Written by Jaie O. The Help

3 Easy De-stress Rituals

3 Easy De-stress Rituals

Taking care of your mental health is just as important as taking care of our physical health. We routinely take our vitamins, exercise religiously, and try to watch what we eat to make the best possible food choices in order to take care of our bodies. Shouldn’t we make the same meticulous effort to take care of our minds as well?

I get it. Life can be a hectic mess. We can be so caught up in the stresses of our everyday lives that we might forget to slow down and take care of ourselves. We slip into old habits that seem more convenient. We sometimes miss our vitamins, are too tired to sneak in a quick run, or grab a quick bite at a fast food joint instead of getting healthier meals.

Stress can creep up into our lives and make us feel crappy, tired, and anxious. It weakens our immune system and wreaks havoc on our digestion. It can make us feel cranky all the time and might even affect our relationships. But there are simple things you can do to get your life back on track and to “stress less.” After all, self-care is important!

Have a go-to self-care activity
Everyone’s self-care plan is different but one thing remains the same: The Objective. The objective of a self-care plan is to have a go-to activity that you enjoy doing that is guaranteed to calm you down and reduce your stress levels. Lighting scented candles, knitting, coloring, painting, playing a musical instrument, listening to soothing music, watching cartoons are all good examples of a self-care activity. Create a self-care plan for when you need to decompress. I’ve written about “How To Create A Self-care Plan And Why You Need One”, check it out to get some tips!

Clutter adds to stress. Imagine coming home to a cluttered house at the end of a long and difficult day. Would you feel relaxed? Of course not. The visual chaos will absolutely add more stress to your already stressful day. And all you ever wanted was to come home to a warm bed and enjoy a quiet evening.

So take off all those clothes that are piled on to “the chair.” You know, the one we all have, the one we use as a catch-all for outfits we tried but didn’t put back in the closet, for bags that didn’t go with the outfit, for pajamas that we plan on re-wearing etc. Pick up everything that’s on the floor and put them back where they belong. Declutter your room and when you can finally see your bed, climb into it and enjoy the space.

Create a bedtime routine
Again, this might look different for everybody. Mine is reading or listening to a podcast right after cleaning up rituals and getting into my pajamas. I’m trying (so very hard) to limit screens to (at least) an hour before bedtime. If you succeed at doing this, please teach me how.

What are your de-stress rituals? Share them with us in the comments! Stay humble and hustle hard.


Written by Jaie O. The Help