Planning and Focus

Planning and Focus

17e025eFocus can be defined as the amount of concentration or motivation that a person brings to a task. The art of living a balanced life requires focus.  A desire for a successful career necessitates an awareness of priorities from which balance emanates. Achieving focus in the professional arena is part of the battle.

Work, family – life in general can get in the way of routine. For example, forgetting a parent/teacher conference could start a misunderstanding at home or misfiled important documents may bring up questions of efficiency at work. Then there are days that even the most mundane can divert one’s attention to trivial stuff resulting in arguments or run-ins with colleagues.

Starting a three-year plan is important. There are those who say they aren’t able to make long term commitments. It should be noted that goals are strong anchors for staying on track. For example, if higher education is part of the three-year plan, saving a fixed amount of money every month can slowly make the goal real. Having a plan is to plot the start and end points of a journey.

Assembling a network of diverse minded professionals is another way to jumpstart a three-year plan. Attending parent circles activities, joining craft groups, or sports will create new acquaintances even enhance business contacts. It can bring dynamism, energy to a life that feels stationary, in particular for those in the virtual assistance industry.

Last but not least, staying healthy is important if a plan is to see reality. Eating balanced diets and getting adequate physical exercise must not be overlooked.

Planning for at least three years into the future insures a strong foundation on which a successful career can be constructed. To prevent burnout, a professional will use a plan as anchor for and reminder of goals. Focus is the implementing tool.

Written by Yoli P.- The Help