

Whenever career progress is the goal, self-evaluation becomes a must for professionals. It is the best method by which one or two skill sets, even talents, can be improved through training or by partnering with a peer where both are complementary to one another. For example, flexibility can be a tremendous asset. It’s been said, “change is the only thing that is constant.” Someone who is flexible or adaptable can respond easily to shifts in work priorities, new supervisors, and even budget cuts. Productivity remains constant despite company reorganization.

Sometimes flexibility can be seen as lack of goals while focus is misconstrued as tunnel vision. However, when someone flexible teams up with a focused colleague, they can help each other grow in both professional and personal levels. The focus provided to someone flexible can lead to the creation of short-term plans while adaptability in a focused worker may result in paying more attention to colleagues’ suggestions.

Self-evaluation provides a “before status” and a current status. One gets a sense of progress, if any has been made. For example, someone who used to be always late for work now arrives on time.

Managing a project or being the team lead in developing concepts for research are occasions to showcase talents. Nowhere is this more important than in the workplace. It sounds almost impossible, especially if opportunities to display talents are not frequent. However, awareness of one’s strength and weakness would help in creating situations wherein management would sit up and take notice of staff.

When writing a professional self-evaluation, it is important to objectively highlight accomplishments. Equally important is to propose steps where work performance can be improved such as teamwork. If an Individual work plan is not in place, create the SMART one (Specific, Measurable, Accountable, Realistic, Time) to stay in congruence with company mission and core value.

Remember: Change is the only thing that is constant and self evaluation keeps an employee ready for challenges and change at all times.


Written by Yoli P. – The Help