Successful Teams

Successful Teams

1703633_f520Admittedly, the success of a business depends on its human resource. Without the people behind operations who are implementing the company vision, an enterprise can fail. However, having employees doesn’t mean the road will be smooth; there’s work to be done in creating a cohesive team with win-win goals.

In the current business climate, management and employees are dependent on one another for knowledge and skills. A successful team is the result of management and its people working together. Working as a team means a long-term plan is in place, there is an agreed upon measurable goals, and recognition of team members’ performance.

Long term planning is a must to implement company vision. For example, if The Help intends to expand in a non-English speaking country in three years, language training becomes part of the vision and a priority for certain team members in the next year. Research will be undertaken to find the best available training. Adjustments of shifts and work schedules in a virtual office are put in place making certain that language learning is in every concerned team member’s calendar.

Taking the preceding example, language training for team members can be measured by their fluency within six months after training starts. If progress appears average, next steps can be reorganized to ensure that predetermined proficiency goal is achieved in accordance with the company growth plan. Monitoring and evaluating the team relative to learning a new skill is important, as it will show aptitude for the other skills acquisition.

Continuing with the same illustration, rewards and recognition via promotion or a bonus for team members’ performance, in this case, language acquisition will strengthen employee’s commitment to the goal. At the same time, the company will have shown its willingness to invest in its work force.

Building and developing a team takes time. Clear communication between management and employees along with understanding the company vision will help make a group of disparate individuals committed and articulate team members. An energetic, enthusiastic work force working side by side with a supportive management can achieve a win-win situation, the benchmark of success.

Written by Yoli P.- The Help