Tag Archives: Company Party

How To Organize A Remote Worker Inclusive Holiday Party

How To Organize A Remote Worker Inclusive Holiday Party

At this point in the year, companies are extremely busy. This is when businesses feel the pressure of delivering to customers and hitting their financial targets. On top of that, employees are on a mad scramble to finish all pending reports and rushing to cap off the year. This is also the time when companies plan and execute all holiday-related activities, including parties, games, giveaways, Christmas baskets, and year-enders. 

That was pre-pandemic. Nowadays, things are a bit slower and more socially distant. Remote working teams are scattered across different locations and sometimes, different time zones, transforming how we celebrate the traditional office Christmas party. A majority of the workforce is still working from home and it’s easy to forget to include remote workers in office parties or to even organize an office party because, well, you don’t see each other face to face. However, this is the time to be inclusive of everyone and to make sure that nobody gets left out. We must not let recent circumstances get us down. Companies can still hold holiday celebrations. Here’s how you can still celebrate the holidays to include the part of your workforce who are working from home:

Personalized greetings

Take the time to send personalized notes, thank you cards, or holiday greetings. A personalized letter is more sincere and will be appreciated more than you know. Some ideas include: a framed greeting, motto, or mission vision, personal notes, or a video greeting.

Take advantage of video conferencing technology

Make sure to include remote workers in your holiday festivities. Take advantage of video conferencing platforms like Zoom, Skype, Teams, Google Meet, etc. Some platforms allow you to share music, so put on Christmas songs (hello, Mariah and Wham). Prepare games. I’ve recently hosted a Zoom trivia night with the help of Canva (for creating the questions and cue cards) and Spotify (for the “name That Tune” part). Invite everyone to wear holiday-themed headgear, Christmas costumes, Holiday Pajamas, or ugly sweaters. Aside from awarding the best in the costume, you can even have an award for the best-decorated tree or most festive background. 


Some companies send Christmas baskets to their employees. Some send gift cards, electronic cards, event tickets, etc. that people can use for online purchases so minimize going out. Some companies even make charitable donations in the employees’ name. Tangible gifts are great, too. Remember, it’s the thought that counts. 

Peer recognition

The end of the year is the perfect time to acknowledge your team’s contributions and accomplishments. Use the opportunity to publicly recognize each other’s great work and their trellis effort in making the team a success. 

These might be trying times, but we can still uphold traditions and make it special for the entire company. With a bit of effort, we can still celebrate the holidays with each other. How do you celebrate the holidays at your company? Share them with us in the comments. Remember to work smart and be a blessing to someone today. Stay safe and healthy!

Written by Jaie O. TheHelp