Tag Archives: Conflict

3 Tips for Successful Conflict Resolution at the Office

3 Tips for Successful Conflict Resolution at the Office

The office is where you spend ⅓ of at least half of your waking hours. At some point in time, it is inevitable to experience some kind of conflict in the workplace. Whether you, yourself are involved in the conflict or not, conflict can impact employee productivity. In fact, unresolved conflicts have a direct impact on how employees engage in the workplace and can definitely have a negative impact on workplace culture. Therefore, it is important for employees to learn the subtle art of conflict resolution.

Here are 3 tips to learn in order to navigate conflicts successfully:

Learn to communicate effectively
There’s talking and then there’s communicating. Most conflicts would be easily nipped in the bud if people just learn how to communicate effectively. This is not just about getting your point across but about actually listening to what the other person is saying. It’s not just about what you hear either. Effective communication means picking up on non-verbal clues, knowing which parts to not interrupt or having non-confrontational stances and gestures. Conflict isn’t always a bad thing. It can be an avenue to engage and exchange ideas if you manage it well.

Practice your problem-solving skills
This isn’t about being good at solving puzzles. It’s actually pretty straight forward. This skill is about learning how to see a challenge from many angles and approaching it with a clear plan while considering the many possible solutions to it. When people see conflict, they tend to avoid, deny, or pass it on to someone else. However, effective conflict resolution depends on how the people involved approach the conflict. Do they result in passive-aggressive behavior? Do they get into a shouting match? Do they avoid each other until resentment festers? The key is for both parties to see it as a challenge and exhaust all ways to solve it, even if it means getting input from an outsider with a different perspective.

Make teamwork a priority
Studies show that workplaces with a strong, deeply ingrained teamwork culture have fewer conflicts. This is because employees learn to focus on shared goals instead of disagreements that creep up in between. They ultimately have the end in mind. Teamwork also enforces defined roles which can majorly reduce where conflicts stem from. Lastly, teamwork reinforced meeting objectives over personal egos and preferences.

Bonus tip:
Stress management is one of the keys to healthy workplace relations.
Sometimes, it’s not about the work, the culture, or the coworkers. Sometimes people just happen to take their personal frustrations to the workplace and then blow up and vent there. Learning healthy stress coping mechanisms will reduce employee conflicts because they need not take their personal challenges to the office. So encourage employees to take well-timed breaks and vacation leaves. That way, they have decompression mechanisms in place to release bottled up emotions.

What about you, what are your tips for resolving conflict? Share your tips with us in the comments. Remember to work smart and be a blessing to someone today.

Written by Jaie O. TheHelp