Everyone’s business is dependent on an internet connection at some point in their lifecycle. This makes an internet connection essential in today’s digitally connected world. These days, having a functional and reliable internet connection is essential in business. This is why it is important to have a back-up internet for business in case something goes wrong. Here are some reasons the internet could go down:
- Bad weather and acts of nature: this could include thunderstorms, hurricanes, tornadoes, earthquakes, floods, solar flares, geomagnetic storms, and other acts of nature.
- Internet Service Provider (ISP) failure: when their systems are down for any reason (maintenance, upgrades, etc.) yours will be too.
- Equipment failure: Your modems, switches, routers and cables could be causing a system problem. Some can be solved easily, while others need to be addressed by a trained technician.
- Network congestion: This often happens with legacy infrastructure. Your internet usage could outpace your capacity and could affect your connectivity.
When any of the above-mentioned reasons happen, your business operations could go haywire. That could result in any or all of (but not limited to) these four scenarios:
1. Work interruption
Your staff will be unable to perform their duties and responsibilities at work, resulting in a slow-down in productivity or, in most cases, a complete halt to business operations.
2. Financial loss
A disruption or complete outage could mean missed sales opportunities for the business resulting in financial loss. It could also mean missed reservations, transactions, access to customer/client records, schedules, and events. The longer it goes on, the bigger the loss. Imagine the financial loss if the internet is down for a whole day…or a whole week! The horror!
3. Failure of Customer Service
Great customer service depends on quick responses. When the internet goes out, the business could resort to taking “cash only” payments.
4. Stress
This is the biggest drawback of the loss of internet connectivity. It’s just over-all pain in the neck. It is never convenient.
The solution
Have a good back-up plan for when your main internet connection fails. It is best to scout for a back-up from other internet service providers since getting a back-up from the same ISP would defeat the purpose. More often than not, once service from one ISP is down, it will be down for all products. If you’re on a Fibre optic plan, get a cable internet backup. Another common type of internet backup you could try is 4G LTE. It’s 10 times faster than 3G. Of course, 5G is even faster, but access to it is limited and costly. Diversifying the connection will ensure that you have a workable back-up no matter what. Keep in mind that your primary system should not cost more than your main system, since you will be paying for the backup even though you’re not using it.
Do you have tips on a good internet back-up plan? Share them with us in the comments. Remember to work smart and be a blessing to someone today. Stay safe and healthy!
Written by Jaie O. TheHelp