Tag Archives: Life

9 Tips To Build Your Confidence

9 Tips To Build Your Confidence

Confidence is a state of mind and so it is unique for everyone. It comes from having a healthy acceptance of yourself, both mind and body coupled with a strong belief in your abilities and skills. It can be very difficult to succeed in any endeavor without confidence. It goes hand in hand with self-esteem. How you see yourself is how others will see you. So make sure to reflect back what an amazing person you are. While there are no set rules for building confidence, here are a few tips on helping you improve your confidence levels.

  1. Keep smiling – smiling helps you project a positive and confident demeanor. It conveys the image that you are above annoyances and things that can ruin your day. It signals to other people that you are approachable and feel good about yourself. Even if you don’t feel like it, try to smile and watch as your whole outlook takes a turn for the positive.
  2. Treat yourself – rewarding yourself for small(and big) wins signifies that you expect good things to happen to you and that you deserve the good things that come your way.
  3. Explore your passions – another confidence booster is to explore your passion. It’s hard to be not self-assured when you know for a fact that there is something you are wonderful at. Developing a skill or improving upon an existing one will only help you gain more confidence.
  4. Credit where credit is due – give yourself a compliment every time you do something good or achieve something great. You deserve the credit.
  5. Consistent exercise – being healthy and looking healthy are great confidence boosters. So get on a consistent exercise routine. While going for a svelte look is a good goal, you can do it for health reasons.
  6. Eat better – food affects your mood and good food will put you in a better and more confident mindset. Imagine the last time you ate a lot of junk food? Did you feel better after? Didn’t think so.
  7. Strong support group – sometimes, it takes others to boost our confidence. Take advantage of your support group for a confidence boost. The kind and encouraging words of your friends and family will wash away your insecurities. 
  8. Know your pros – everyone has something that they’re good at. List all your good qualities down and revisit that list every time you need a confidence boost. Incorporate your strong points into affirmations such as “ I am confident about my public speaking skills.”
  9. Stop comparing yourself to others – comparison is the death of joy. Focus on yourself and how you can improve instead of comparing yourself to others. Everyone has their own journey to run.

Our confidence is directly proportional to your quality of life. As your confidence increases, so does your quality of life. So work on boosting your confidence today and explore becoming your best self. What other confidence-boosting tips do you have? Share them with us in the comments. Remember to work smart and be a blessing to someone today. Stay safe and healthy!

Written by Jaie O. TheHelp

4 Things to Ask Yourself to Get Closer to Knowing Your Life’s Purpose

4 Things to Ask Yourself to Get Closer to Knowing Your Life’s Purpose

There are those who are lucky and discover their life’s purpose at a very young age. Then there are those interesting people who are still looking. There is no perfect time or age for you to discover your purpose in life. You may find your reason for living at 21or you may still be looking at 40. It doesn’t matter, it’s ok to not know.

However, most of us are always in search of our life’s purpose. After all, knowing your purpose in life makes it so much easier to find the drive to get out of your bed and find true happiness. As you search for it, you’ll find situations where your passions and talents meet with the things that the world needs.

There is no one true path. We all have different ways of discovering things for ourselves. But, just in case you need a nudge in the right direction, here are 4 questions to ask yourself in order to get closer to knowing your life’s purpose.

What do you love?
Focus on the things that you deeply care about. It can be a hobby or a sport that you loved since childhood. Are you passionate about caring for animals? Maybe you can do something in line with that.

What can you do for a living?
Your happiness is not just simply about having dreams. A fulfilling job should also help cater to your basic needs. Fulfilling work is a reward in itself. It is a function of growth. If you allow yourself to spend more time becoming adept at your job, as time progresses you increase your level of expertise and find that you enjoy work more.

What skills have you mastered?
If you enjoy doing it then you must be good at it! However, this is not always the case. The lucky ones can make careers out of whatever they’re passionate about or whatever they have a natural talent for. The rest of us develop a passion for the jobs we take. We focus on improving until we love what we do because we’re good at it. Keep asking “will I love the process?” It’s not just the job but the methods you’ve learned or the knowledge that you gained that could make it all worth your while.

What can you contribute to others?
Making a difference is just as important as being happy. Make life meaningful by lending your hand to those who need it. Stop asking “what can the world offer me?”. Instead, start asking “what can I offer the world?” If you ever find yourself lost and without purpose, helping others will always be the best way to get out of that slump. You will find that being part of something bigger than yourself is quite fulfilling.

Do you have anything to add to these questions? Share them with us in the comments. Remember to stay humble and hustle hard.