Tag Archives: New Normal

Things May Never Return To Normal…But That’s Ok

Things May Never Return To Normal…But That’s Ok

The global Covid-19 pandemic and its ensuing lockdowns have critically changed our mobility and the way we approach regular outdoor activities. It seems that limited mobility and movement restrictions will now be part of the “new normal”, as with vigilance and standard health and safety measures. 

A lot of us may miss activities that have us going out of the house for fun or for more practical reasons. Outdoor activities such as concerts, movies, parties, and events will have to be put on hold as the world adapts to social distancing measures. We will also have to rethink practicalities such as going out for supplies, exercising, and going to school or to work. Here are some safer alternatives to outdoor activities that will make sure that we are safe as we work our way through this pandemic.


Online shopping has seen a boost during the time of Covid. A lot of shops now have mobile apps and web platforms to ensure that supplies are available for online ordering and logistics companies are there to make sure that these supplies can be delivered promptly and safely without the need to go out of our homes. You can even order food and shopping items from social media pages and have them delivered via in-house delivery services or through a courier of your choice. Not only is online ordering faster, but also more convenient. Ordering supplies like medicine, groceries, or food from the safety of our homes reduces the chance of exposure to the virus – an excellent safety measure in this time of more virulent virus strains. 


Admittedly, this one is harder to find an alternative for. There simply can be no replacement for the experience of seeing a concert, play, show, or game live. However, we can always improvise. A lot of artists now hold shows via video conferencing platforms. For example, I have recently bought tickets to attend a stand-up comedy show hosted via Zoom. Some concerts are available online, too. As for movies, it is fairly easy to recreate with a bit of imagination or improvisation. Hold family movie nights or date nights by renting the latest release from these online movie rental services: 

  • Amazon Prime Video
  • Apple TV
  • Vudu Movie Rentals
  • Google TV / Google Play Movies & TV
  • YouTube Movies
  • Fandango


Very few of us have the money to invest in an indoor gym. At most, we buy equipment that is practical and easy to store. You can still get some exercise using bodyweight and whatever is available at home, like cans or bottles as dumbbell replacements. Some areas allow 1 to 2 hours of outdoor exercise as well. Lastly, you can buy affordable exercise equipment online, like resistance bands, yoga mats, and dumbbells, and then follow exercise routines from health gurus on social media. YouTube has a lot of FREE resources. 

What are your safe alternatives to outdoor activities? Share them with us in the comments. Remember to work smart and be a blessing to someone today. Stay safe and healthy!

Written by Jaie O. TheHelp

Adapting Healthy Habits in the New Normal

Adapting Healthy Habits in the New Normal

In the new normal, we must never forget the behaviors we’ve learned to make sure that we and our loved ones are healthy and safe. Great strides are being made to make the vaccine available, but we are a long way off to getting everybody free of the COVID-19 virus. It is always good to constantly be reminded (and remind our friends and family as well) of healthy habits.

Here are 5 important tips to remember:

1. Take Vitamins and Eat Healthy

We can never get all the required nutrients from food alone, especially when you are admittedly eating more junk food than usual (we’ve all been there). That’s why we need to make sure to drink our supplements daily to make sure we get all the required nutrients and boost our immune system as well.

2. Don’t Forget Masks and Hand Sanitizer

I recite a short list whenever I go out. The list goes “phone, wallet, and keys.” However, face masks are still required in most places. So, it would be good practice to add that to the list of things to bring when you step out of the house. It’s also good to include a small bottle of hand sanitizer or a small spray bottle of alcohol just in case you need to clean your hands or disinfect high contact things like knobs, grocery carts, or elevator buttons.

3. Follow Social Distancing Protocols

Make sure to stay at least 2 meters away from other people to reduce the risks of virus transmission. The distance varies in each location though. You can always greet someone with a wave.

4. Avoid Touching Your Face

According to studies, people touch their faces approximately 16 times in an hour. That’s a lot of face touching that you probably weren’t aware of. Face touching could significantly increase your risk of infection to the common cold or flu, but the thing to watch out for is the deadly coronavirus. Make it a point to be mindful about your intentions to avoid touching your face. Avoid habits like resting your chin on your hand or scratching your eyes. Keep reminders like post-its or, better yet, keep your hands busy. Your hand sanitizer or alcohol bottle will come in handy here. Scented ones will be a big bonus as the smell will draw attention to where your hands are.

5. Wash Your Hands Regularly and Properly

Make sure to scrub all parts of your hands with soap and running water. Twenty seconds or the length of 2 “happy birthday” songs is enough to remove pathogens. You can even wash your hands to these songs too, bonus points for singing out loud:

  • Row, row, row your boat
  • Twinkle, twinkle little star
  • Shape of My Heart – Backstreet Boys
  • Mambo No. 5 – Lou Bega
  • Love on Top chorus – Beyonce
  • Jolene – Dolly Parton
  • Mr. Brightside – The Killers
  • Africa – Toto

What are your healthy habit tips for the new normal? Share them with us in the comments. Remember to work smart and be a blessing to someone today. Stay safe and healthy!

Written by Jaie O. TheHelp

How To Take Care Of Your Mental Health In The New Normal

How To Take Care Of Your Mental Health In The New Normal

People are social beings. We form partnerships, packs, tribes, and communities. We form societies and nations. We need other people to survive. There is no doubt that we need mutual dependence. However, we had to face a new reality. We had to change our behavior in response to the changes brought about by the pandemic. These changes have brought about negative feelings: feelings of dread, uncertainty about the future, anxiety, depression, and loneliness. Most of us are overwhelmed by the new normal and a lot of us already have pandemic fatigue.

Right now, there is a rise in these negative moods: anxiety, anger, and loneliness. It is best to consult a licensed therapist if you are experiencing any of these. But in the meantime, here are some ways to address these negative feelings.


It is anticipated rumination or worrying about something that might happen in the future. As you can imagine, a lot of us have developed some form of anxiety as a result of the unprecedented turn of events from last year. Let’s face it. People can’t help but worry. What’s worse is that worry is contagious. Don’t we all feel like the world is coming to an end?

In order to manage this, we have to be as prepared as possible. Acknowledge the fact that there are a lot of things that we can’t control. Then act on the things that we can control. For example, you can’t control the virus, but you can prevent yourself and your loved ones from catching it by taking precautions like wearing a mask, social distancing, eating healthy, taking vitamins, etc.


The situation right now is frustrating. We may feel frustrated and angry that those who know better, can’t do better. Governments and health experts are trying their best, but somehow it is not enough. The virus has brought superpowers and nations down on their knees. While vaccines have already been developed, there is still more work to be done. 

To address this, be mindful of your triggers. If the news triggers you (who isn’t?), then watch less of it. Allow yourself a limited time to seethe and stew (10mins tops) and move forward with your day. Don’t dwindle on bad news. Avoid doom scrolling (the act of consuming a large quantity of negative online news at once). Keep your mind calm by practicing meditative activities (knitting, gardening, baking, cooking, reading, yoga, and meditation of course).


By the nature of the pandemic, isolation is one of the best ways to keep it at bay. We’ve all retreated to our homes and stayed away from public places. We’ve shunned all social activities and gatherings and have started working from home. Our government and self-imposed isolation has led to feelings of loneliness in a lot of people.

To curb loneliness, get in touch and connect with other people. No, don’t break quarantine protocols. You can get creative. Reach out to friends and family and create a daily routine. Play games via video conferencing apps. Games like Pictionary, Bingo, or Charades can be played virtually. Better yet, host a trivia night with prizes! Gift cards for online shopping is a fun prize. Make sure to take advantage of technology. Host a Netflix Party so you can watch a movie with friends. Make it a fun experience. 

Do you have tips on how to take care of your mental health? Share them with us in the comments. Remember to work smart and be a blessing to someone today. Stay safe and healthy!

Written by Jaie O. TheHelp