Tag Archives: Online Security

Our Most Important Secrets

Our Most Important Secrets

Facebook has been in the news yet again for yet another privacy and security issue. If you haven’t read about the Cambridge Analytica Scandal involving the social media giant yet, you can read it here.

Information Privacy or data privacy is an important issue. Information privacy, or data privacy (or data protection), is the relationship between the collection and dissemination of data, technology, the public expectation of privacy, and the legal and political issues surrounding them [1]. It’s not only a cause of concern for big companies but for individuals as well. Companies can mine information about a person through sites they visit and apps they use. This mean they can get your email address (if you give it freely – by signing up for anything!). They can also track your public social media posts, how often you shop, which items you shop for, which sites you frequent, all without having to hack into any of your personal accounts. From the information they gather, they can build a profile. You wouldn’t want firms selling your online information to others would you?

We’re in a bind. This is the day and age of social media and staying connected. It is also the age of oversharing. We are a gold mine of information. Information that (is safe to assume) is available forever in some giant server somewhere.

Deleting Facebook and all your other social media account may not be a feasible idea. The main reason most people are on social media is to stay connected anyway, so unless you’re up for going back to good old snail mail and Polaroid’s, your social media accounts are here to stay. With that said, let us all be reminded to be prudent about what we posts online.

Here are some tips to keep your data private while still enjoying social media:

● Review your public profile – Check to see that the information you have posted on your public profile does not include anything that can be used to steal your identity.

● Don’t post your birthdate on your profile! Sure it’ll remind your acquaintances to greet you on your birthday but it would also give identity thieves more information to work with. Besides, your real friends will know when to celebrate you.

● Check your settings to see who can:
○ See your posts and activities
○ See your pictures and location
○ See which sites are connected with your profile
○ See what information your friends/followers can share about you
○ Think long and hard about who you grant access to the above information

● Be careful about 3rd party apps – Check which information are they gathering from you and what is shared with external sites and businesses. I would be wary about agreeing to apps that can “post updates” on your behalf.

● Unlink social media sites from each other – I know it’s easier, but don’t be tempted to use your Facebook login to access external applications, say, your Twitter account, or your Instagram account. Have separate logins for your different social media accounts.

What are your tips to keep your privacy in this day and age of oversharing? Stay humble and hustle hard!


Written by Jaie O. The Help
