Tag Archives: Positivity

How To Rise Above Negativity in 8 Steps

How To Rise Above Negativity in 8 Steps

The year 2020 was a doozy. While we were still reeling from old problems like climate change and divisive politics, we were handed a new set of problems starting with bushfires and ending with a global pandemic, the magnitude of which has given the word “unprecedented” a whole new meaning. It’s like living in a video game where every stage is a never-ending boss fight. 

With all the craziness going on in the world, it’s hard to stop ourselves from feeling a barrage of negative emotions. With the pandemic comes bereavement, loss of income, isolation, fear of the unknown, and health concerns. Naturally, these will spawn feelings of dread, anxiety, and depression.

We have the power to rise above these negative feelings. Right now, it is absolutely imperative to have good mental health. It is a duty to take care of our mental health, not only for ourselves but for everyone we care about. That starts with learning how to manage fear and anxiety.

  1. Accept and validate – don’t ignore your feelings. That leads to repression and resentment. Address your fears, accept that they exist within you, and know that these feelings are valid.
  2. Speak up and seek help – talk to a trusted family member or friend. If you keep your negative feelings bottled up inside you, that could bubble up as something nasty, in the future. If you feel that the issue might be too much for your loved ones to handle, talk to a professional.
  3. Focus on what you can control – learn your triggers and don’t be triggered by just about anything. Pick your battles and devote your energy into things that you have power and influence over.
  4. Be open to change – I’ll leave you with a quote. “If nothing ever changed, there would be no such things as butterflies.” – Wendy Mass
  5. Allow your mind to rest – make restful sleep a priority. First, work out how much sleep you need, and reverse engineer from there. Practice good sleep hygiene. We’ve got some tips here.
  6. Stop the comparisons – your journey is unique. Everyone copes differently, find your unique way.
  7. Be kinder to yourself – self-talk is important. What we tell ourselves shapes our minds. Think good thoughts, Do good deeds. Talk to yourself as you would talk to a friend.
  8. Don’t be afraid to fail and try again – focusing on the mistakes will only leave you jaded. Always try to find the silver lining and the lesson and then choose to improve and move on.

We’re all just trying to do our best in our own little way. So be kinder to people. Everyone (yes, everyone, universally) has gone through a rough and tumble year. The only way to make it better is to start by being kinder to ourselves and to one another. That makes all the difference.

How do you take care of your mental health in these trying times? We’d love to get some tips. Share them with us in the comments. Remember to work smart and be a blessing to someone today. Stay safe and healthy!

Written by Jaie O. TheHelp

How to keep a positive attitude at work

How to keep a positive attitude at work

We all know that it’s hard to keep your cool when you’re juggling several ongoing tasks and trying to manage yours and everyone else’s schedule. Somedays, your positivity can really take a beating, especially when your tired. That can make even the best of us really cranky and can even affect your health.

No doubt that at some point you’ve already heard or read some article that positivity boosts your immune system. Not only that, when you are positive, you are open to new ideas and tend to be more creative. So how do you keep a positive attitude at work when your workload is full to the brim? Here are some tips:

Be a bright ray of sunshine – how? Stop complaining. No one wants to be around a professional complainer. You know, that somebody who always has something that doesn’t live up to his/her expectations. There will always be something to complain about and there will always be things, people, situations that will upset you. Be flexible enough to ride it out and hold your tongue when you feel the urge to complain. People will remember you as a trooper – one who is unfazed by hard times and challenges.

Hang out with positive people – even if you aren’t one, their positivity will rub off on you. Find people who are unrelenting optimists at heart. Those that have kind words or a keen sense of humour. Find those who always have a solution and are helpful. Those who have kind words and don’t gossip. They will be your new tribe.

Be kind – treat other people as you would like to be treated. Show empathy. If others are having a rough day, it will show. Try to understand where they’re coming from ust as you would like to be understood when you’re having a slightly off day. It’s hard to do when everyone is busy or swamped with work. But try to have a kind word for everyone you interact with at work – we all need a handout when the going gets tough.

Find something to laugh about – I once laughed at a lemon for 2 straight minutes. Backstory: I was having a day where nothing seems to be working for me but then my brother got home with a bag of lemons he got from a market sale. For some reason I thought about Lemony Snicket’s “a series of unfortunate events” and we had a laugh at a bag of lemons. That changed my mood completely. So go ahead, take a break and watch some cat videos. Find something to laugh about. I promise you’ll feel better after.

Own your mood – nothing and nobody should have the power to dictate your mood or upset you. You have the power to decide if the busted copier is worth letting out a string of expletives or a chance to get a coffee break while you call support for repairs.

Do you have any tips for staying positive at work? Share them with us in the comments. Stay humble and hustle hard.

Written by Jaie O. The Help