Tag Archives: Thank You

Are You Giving Your Team The Recognition They Deserve?

Are You Giving Your Team The Recognition They Deserve?

When you have been working really hard and feel good about the results of a project you were deeply involved in, a little recognition from the company should be in order, right? Sadly, a lot of companies have been missing out on giving their employees duly deserved recognition because we’re mostly working from home after all. However, being in lockdown should not be a hurdle for employers to give recognition to their employees for a job well done.

Recognition for great work is a very important part of team management and team engagement. By rewarding your team, you are boosting morale. Happy and satisfied employees tend to be more committed to doing better for the next projects and are more loyal to the company.

Employee recognition usually comes in two types:

Monetary: this would come in the form of bonuses, vouchers, and gift cards.

Non-monetary: verbal thank-yous, extra vacation days, flexible work hours, extra benefits, or recognition ceremonies fall under this category.

How to say “Thank you, we appreciate your hard work!”

Recognition Day

Organize an awarding ceremony or a recognition day for your top performers. It can be just a simple ceremony to hand out certificates and thank you tokens for their great work. Or it can be a big event such as a themed party or a company-wide celebration, complete with plaques and gifts.

Send it out in an email

Want your team to beam with pride while they walk the halls at work? Send out a company-wide email detailing their achievements and how they did a good job, along with a heartfelt thank you note for their dedication.

Activity Day

Organize an activity day when your team gets to kick back and relax in an out of work setting. To thank them for their hard work, you can treat them to a picnic, a lunch out, an out-of-town trip, or any fun and relaxing activity where you can practice social distancing, of course.

The most important thing to remember when giving your team recognition is to ensure that it is authentic and timely. Employers must take great care to reward genuine, exemplary work when it happens in order to make employees and teams believe that their work is truly valued. Rewarding average work or even giving recognition in an impersonal or insincere manner won’t resonate well with your team and will not give them the desired effect of making them feel appreciated. 

Employee recognition is one of the biggest drivers of engagement and is directly linked to employee satisfaction and loyalty. Remember that rewards are not always monetary and that you can get creative when it comes to showing your team the recognition they deserve. 

How does your company show appreciation and recognition? What other ways can your company show their appreciation that teams can appreciate? Share your tips with us in the comments. Remember to work smart and be a blessing to someone today. Stay safe and healthy!

Written by Jaie O. TheHelp