Take the Opportunity to Spread Cheer

Take the Opportunity to Spread Cheer

be-kindWe spend one-third of our lives at work and it’s no surprise that our workplaces have an enormous impact on our mental health. In a study by the National Alliance on Mental Illness, they have found that “one in four adults–approximately 61 million Americans–experiences mental illness every year. This is why mental health is now fast becoming a priority in corporations. A lot of companies, non-profits and government organization, and most communities now participate in campaigns to raise awareness about mental health. Now that is happy news indeed.

Now more than ever, we all aim to achieve a work – life balance, not just to keep our sanity but to encourage wellness in others. It is not only our personal responsibility to maintain a work – life balance in our own lives, but to keep the workplace a safe and healthy space for others as well. Nobody… NOBODY… likes going to work with a bright ray of “everything sucks of gloom and doom”.

It would be easy to dismiss the responsibility of adding to the quality of a workplace if you are already cheerful and balanced. You might say “I’m already well adjusted. It’s not my job to look out for other people’s mental health” In reality, we all have this incredible opportunity every day to be kind and to make work a little less tedious for the people around us.

Here are a few wellness tips for a balanced workplace. Spread the cheer!

  • Say “Hi” – don’t be that guy who keeps his head down and pretends to be on the phone all the time. Strike up a conversation. Ask how their weekend was.
  • Say “Good morning!” – if this is the only thing to ever come out of your mouth for the rest of the day as you prepare to hunker down and plow through work, let it be the cheeriest, brightest “good morning” you utter. Say it like a blessing. Say it like a promise. Say it like you all have no other choice but to have a good morning.
  • Encourage – encourage others to share ideas, insights, feedback, suggestions, comments. Encourage others to participate… in planning, in solving a challenge together, in joining fun activities. It makes others feel valued to have someone hear what they have to say.
  • Whistle – ok, maybe whistling while you work could be a tad annoying… but you know what I mean… If you have the opportunity to spread good vibes and positivity, do it! If you’re in an extra cheerful mood, be extra cheerful to other co-workers and your positive attitude might rub off on them too.

Do you have any tips on how to improve and promote balance in the workplace? We’d love to hear about them. Please share your tips with us! Stay humble and hustle hard!


Written by: Jaie O. – The Help