Towards Healthy Living

Towards Healthy Living

128328191_1Healthy_Lifestyle-CopyMy recent run in with the perennial flu has me thinking about health and its importance. A healthy lifestyle could be one that is free from physical ailments for some. Others consider the ability to follow a regimen of diet and exercise as key.

Being healthy, however, is both physical and mental. Some deterrents to healthy living are smoking, physical inactivity, and stress. Although considered difficult, giving up the habit of cigarette smoking can be done. Will power and discipline are the main tools; some succeed while others need the assistance of patches and even acupuncture.

To start an exercise regimen, the highest degree of commitment is necessary. The key is sustaining the activity as results such as weight loss are only seen after some time.

There’s no avoiding stress. These could be caused by professional or personal pressure; these require attention, even medical. Breathing exercises are helpful in stress management.

Another way to relieve stress is by starting a hobby. Hobbies are activities; those times when work and responsibilities are farthest from the mind. Hobbies are great sources of positive stress called eustress. The Urban Dictionary says

“Eustress is good stress. Stress is simply an external stimulus; eustress is the feeling you get when overcome with the excitement and anticipation of a desired outcome. Hans Selye MD, an endocrinologist, first introduced Eustress. It is defined as “stress that is healthy, or gives one a feeling of fulfillment or other positive feelings. Eustress is a process of exploring potential gains.”

When gardening, a physical distance from work is created. Looking forward to blooming flowers brings up excitement. Cross-stitching, knitting, and creative writing groups provide opportunities to connect with others, bringing stress relief and fun as well.

Striving towards healthy living means giving up cigarettes and the like. Smoking and lack of exercise directly impacts the body. But stress can creep in.

Overall, striving for balance is key and that’s when eustress can have a place in a life.

Written by Yoli P.- The Help